How to take the initiative for ultimate success

We live in a world of limitless potential. Opportunities wait around every corner. Every day as one business closes another 5  begin. Just as there are opportunities being exploited there are many around there laying dormant.  The problem is that too few people have the necessary entrepreneurial  spirit to find these opportunities. They somehow think that riches and success are going to just fall into our lap. If we are to make the most of the world we have to learn to get out there and make some bold decisions.

Many of us have jobs that involve following instructions and orders.   While this is alright for some the truly successful person operates according to their own rules. Crucial to this success is being able to make the right  decisions off their own back,  by combining the principles of self confidence  and judgement .This is what we mean when we talk about taking the initiative.
We have all heard of the expression  to  ‘take the initiative’.  Its meaning  can also be expressed in another saying  ‘seizing the moment’ . Great people throughout history have attained their success from knowing when to throw their lot in and go for it.  Timid and meek behaviour is very rarely rewarded with financial or personal success; although it is often the easiest option.  Of course very few people have attained success by being completely reckless either. The secret is finding the right balance between daring and caution.

One way to define initiative that accommodates  both daring and caution is in the concept of calculated risk.  A calculated risk is not simply a gamble nor is it an educated guess. Calculated risk means taking a decision that comes with it the risk of failure.   However rather than  being  just a random  act ,like a bet on a horse,  this decision is based on a both gut feeling and evidence. This evidence can be based on  relevant things we know in the outside world, but it can also be about things we know about ourselves.
Self awareness is the key to taking the correct initiative. If we are confident and honest with ourselves, then naturally it follows that we will take action that is balanced between knowledge and a desire to get things done. Rash decision making  should be replaced with calm rational and decisive  action.  The difference between success and failure can be made in a snap decision.  By being self aware you are conscious of your own skills and your limitations. It is important to not confuse confidence with arrogance. If you are planning a new business venture make sure you have done as much research as possible. Make your decision a calculated risk.

You will find one of the benefits to be gained from   being a success at taking the initiative is enhanced social status. We attach an almost mythical quality to brave daring leaders. You will find that people will value your judgement and ability to think under pressure. Everyone from staff, customers, bosses and friends and family will begin to gravitate towards you. You will be seen as that rare individual. Some one who not only keeps  control in the heat of the moment, but who also gets results.
These are the necessary preconditions for leadership  and success. To be a leader you must be willing  to step up to the plate. You must possess the self confidence and swagger  that will enable you to make the big decisions. In essence you must inspire others to have confidence  in you.
There are unhelpful  character traits that will inhibit a successful outcome to initiative taking. One of the first things you need to eliminate are any elements of procrastination from your character. If you are the sort of person who says ‘  it can wait till next week ‘ frequently then this applies to you.  The reason why this is so important is that your mind set directly effects your behaviour and daily habits. Even being lazy towards somewhat trivial things  in a business can have a corrosive effect on your  overall attitude.

In order to fully eliminate this unhelpful character trait consider setting yourself daily goals.  Every day look for - and then take action- on at least one thing that needs to be done.  You need to get your mind used to thinking in a way that encourages initiative. The more you do that then the more you will turn initiative taking in to a routine behaviour