Law of Attraction: Activating Your Desire and Attention

The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like" and that what you focus your attention on will expand. It is in operation whether we hold a positive or a negative thought.

People working their way through the divorce process are often flooded with thoughts and feelings they don't want. Using words like "don't, not or no" puts focus and energy on the things we do not want to have in our lives.

For example, having the thought of "I don't want to be hurt again" keeps your awareness on being hurt. This makes it more likely that you will continue to attract the situations or relationships where you will feel hurt.

According to expert Michael Losier, there are some main steps to activating the Law of Attraction:

*Identify Your Desire
*Give Your Desire Attention
*Allow or Receive That Which You Desire

First: Identify Your Desire

Most people don't get what they want simply because they are not clear on what they do want. Divorce, for all of its emotional upheaval, is actually a wonderful opportunity to get clear on what you do want. You've experienced enough negatives or disappointments that have brought your relationship to an end. Why not use the specific examples of what didn't work in your relationship to get you crystal clear on what you do want for future relationships?

Here's how to get started on step one and identify what you desire. Take a moment to reflect on your relationship and name some of the elements that didn't work for you. Was there betrayal? Disrespect? Lack of cooperation? Was it hard to communicate openly? A lack of common interests? Usually people can very quickly come up with an impressive list of what they don't want!

Instead of feeling defeated by all of the ingredients in your relationship that didn't work, turn them to your advantage. For each item on your list, identify the opposite characteristic. Ask yourself, "what do I want?" For example, if "betrayal" is something you don't want, the opposite could "honesty." "Difficult to communicate" becomes "open, effortless communication."

As you work your way through the list, write the flip-side of the negative characteristic you want to leave behind so you can get clear on what you do want. Then cross the negative quality off your list and start to put your attention on what you do want!

Second: Give it Attention

If you've completed step one, you should have created a fairly inspiring list of all the qualities you do want. It's time to keep your focus and attention on what you want to attract.

In their book, Ask and it is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks call this second step "The Universe Answers." Your job is simply to make your desire known and keep your focus on that. They say, "All things that you ask for, large and small, are immediately understood and fully offered, without exception." So this part of the process is actually out of your hands.

Creating a desire statement is a powerful way to keep your attention on it. Put together some of the qualities you want to attract into a short statement.

Affirmations, usually stated in the present tense as if you already have what you desire, aren't all they are cracked up to be. Affirming "I have an amazing, passionate relationship" when that's not yet true for you can raise doubts and negative thoughts instead of positive vibrations.

Use the phrase "I am in the process of" as a way to manage your inner dialogue while you are still in the process of attracting your desire. For example, if you are still single, using the statement "I am in the process of attracting an amazing, passionate relationship" is more accurate and believable. This allows you to more easily maintain a positive focus on what you want.

Third: Allowing or Receiving that which you Desire

This is critical to your success at using the Law of Attraction and it's the step which is least understood. Pull all the parts of the Law of Attraction together as a powerful tool to thrive after divorce.

Take Action!

1. Make a list of at least 15 things you experienced in your divorce that you don't want to have in your future.

2. Flip 'em. For each negative characteristic, ask yourself what you do want instead and get clear on the qualities you DO want.

3. Put together a short desire statement and use that to keep your focus positive. Use the phrase "I'm in the process of" to help you anchor your belief. Post it up somewhere so you'll see it often.