Dream Big - Set Big Goals - Who Do You Want To Be - Decide!

It's your life. And life is precious, though today, many people don't revere the blessing of actually being alive. Now, you can dream big dreams, you can set big goals, and become who you want to be.

Success means different things for different people. For some it means a million dollars in savings, for others it means creating a happy home, fulfilling relationships, being with a partner to diamond anniversaries, etc.

Your success like any other persons is determined by having that goal. Now, we find that success is not just about goals, but looking at an interesting equation. This equation is your potential verses your actual success.

The closer you can get your actual achievements to your potential, the closer you are to be truly successful. You see, many people do set goals, even though I have found only 7% approximately set goals.

People do set goals, but it is the few who actually set goals, using a pen and paper, etc. And we find that bridge between potential and gross achievement happens only when fundamentals of goal setting are learned.

Now is the time, and now is the time to dream big. Many people aim in life, and actually hit the destination, but so few people utilize such opportunities as right now to dream big dreams.

Dream big dreams and realize that aiming for the Moon and missing is not a bad thing, because it means you have landed amongst the stars! Take time to dream big dreams.

Amplify them, and believe in them. A vision, an ideal, a big dream is something that must resonate with the core of your being. No, the riches wanted for the reason of boasting will not make success.

It is the true vision of a life which benefits not just you, but others around you - that is a positive big dream, and one which every resource in the universe will be put to.

So, who do you want to be? So be. Take your dream, and fashion it, work with it, be it. Let your dream take over you, and work to make it reality.

Most people will never go through the process from vision to reality, because the vision is not compelling. A man or woman who deeply desires a desire, a desire of a vision, an ideal, will attain it.

Look at Microsoft, look at any success story that had a positive desire behind it, and you will see a big dream, and a big achievement. Decide, and so it will be with you too.