If you want to achieve your goals this year you need to STOP DOING THIS

If you are making resolutions and you are thinking about all the things you want to stop doing, like…

I have to stop drinking so much, I must give up chocolate, I should stop smoking , I shouldn’t spend that much money, I need to lose weight …

Then stop, because it is not going to work for you.

You may have heard the saying“whatever you focus on you get more of”.

This means that if you focus on what you don’t want, you’ll get more of what you don’t want.

So, if for example,  you want to lose weight, and you are thinking things like:

I hate the way I look, I feel so heavy, I look horrible, I have huge thighs, my tummy looks disgusting…

Then you are probably also thinking:

That’s it, I can’t have bread any more, I am not allowed to eat chocolate, I shouldn’t eat pasta, I have to stop eating take aways, no more cake for me…

Then you have to realise that all you are doing is making it even harder for yourself, because you are focusing on all the stuff you don’t want.

If you are spending all your time thinking about all the things you don’t want, can’t have and shouldn’t do, then when are you thinking about what you do want?

Before you can make any changes in your life, you must change your mindset. You must change the way you think.

Otherwise, no matter how much you wish for something, how much you hope it happens, you will not get it.

Your mind doesn not recognize all thedon’ts,shouldn’ts,can’ts… you are thinking.

It only recognizes positive commands.

So, when you say things like“I can’t have chocolate”, your mind processes“have chocolate”.

When you say“Don’t eat those fries”, your mind recognizes“eat those fries”.

And then you try and fight that command with will power alone? Pretty much impossible.

Unless you stop focusing on what you don’t want, you are wasting your time and setting yourself up for disappointment.

You must stop cluttering your mind thinking and talking about what you don’t want.