Dream big or small of 43 Things

Have you ever wanted to create a "bucket list" (a list of things you want to accomplish before you 'kick the bucket') and share it with your friends?

There is a free website that lets you do that. It is called 43 Things. It lets you list 43 things you would like to accomplish. If you are having problems thinking of things, the site provides you with plenty of suggestions and related goals.

You can add tags for each listing to help you categorize and cross-reference your listing in a variety of ways. Anyone on the site can see your list and you can see anyone else's list. (The tags can help them find your listing.)

Like a blog for each goal, you are free to add any entries you might wish to, at any time. You can describe your thoughts, your feelings, your initial roadblocks, your progress status, your worries and questions and successes along the way, or whatever else you feel like saying about that goal.

Others can comment on your goal or on any specific entry you wrote, and you can even reply back to their comment. Nearly ALL of the comments are positive and encouraging and contain suggestions to try, particularly when a person's entry is down or of uncertainty or confusion or worse...despair.

To make it even easier, the site provides "cheers". Anyone on the site can cheer another person's goal or specific entry, with one click of a button. This makes it ridiculously easy to encourage someone without even spending the time to write a comment (although that option is also included).

43 Things is typically (and by design) a feel-good and informative social community, based upon the concept of posting and accomplishing a list of tasks to do. Once you have completed one of your items, you can remove it, and click on the choice whether it was worth doing or not.

You can list one thing or up to forty-three things. Why forty-three? The site says that a list of 42 was not enough, and 44 was too much. If you are interested, go to .