R.P.M and Your Goals

As we come to the end of this series on goal setting there is one last thing that I would like to bring you attention too. Today's post is quite short for a change, but this is quite a powerful little trick that I would like share with you. Just like SMART goal setting I recommend that you apply it to your top few goals - perhaps 10 of them. I learned this idea from Antony Robbins, a great motivational man from the USA. He often speaks of the term R.P.M – so today I am suggesting that you R.P.M your goals.

You might be wondering what R.P.M, stands for? The more common understanding of it is Revs per Minute used in motor racing, but I am not talking about that today - although this kind of R.P.M definitely puts impetus into your goals too.

R.P.M stands for Results Purpose Method.


When you identify a goal you must clarify the end result you require. What, in as much detail as possible do you want to achieve. In other words, clearly visualise the end result you desire.

Example:You want to become a teacher. For instance you don't want to become just any teacher; you want to become a maths teacher. You also don't just want to become any maths teacher. You would like to teach at this or that esteemed school, and have a 100% pass-rate for your class and many kids being thankful to have had you as their teacher. You would also like to become head of the mathematics department.


When setting a goal what is the purpose? Why are you doing it? What's the reasoning behind it?

Example:Why do you want to be a maths teacher? You saw how your friends struggled at school with maths and often failed it, but you loved maths and had developed your own special method of understanding mathematics to make it simple. You would like to help kids overcome the "I can't do maths" syndrome and be known as the BEST maths teacher around and possibly have your method become widely known and used in all schools to make maths simple for everyone.


The last letter in R.P.M is for method. You could also use the word M.A.P. which is another anagram which stands for a Massive Action Plan. By method or M.A.P, it simply means that we need to start laying out how to we plan to get there. This will vary from goal to goal. Sometimes you would be able to set out a detailed plan. Other times you would just need to be able to identify some significant milestones on the way, and even some other smaller goals. Although you might know the end destination, you may only be able to set out the next few tasks or even only the next task. The most important thing is to have some actions you can take and tasks you can complete and do them. You have to know where you are ultimately going and then you have to set off on the path to reach your ultimate destination.

Example:You cannot be a teacher if you have not studied to be one! To be a specialised mathematics teacher, you need to take the time to become acquainted with the latest developments and methods in mathematics. You also cannot teach at the specific esteemed school you are hoping for, if you never apply to do so and if you are not prepared to start at the bottom at a junior level. To familiarise everyone with your specific method and to have your method become known throughout all schools, you would also need to compile some materials explaining it and have it approved by the "higher powers" before it can even be taught in your own class. To become the head of the mathematics department you also need to show some leadership skills, so learning about leadership techniques will also be one of your tasks. Becoming the best mathematics teacher around with a 100% pass-rate and having your students love having you as their teacher, will also require of you to understand their different learning struggles and not just see the topic (Mathematics) from your point of view, but also from theirs. So you will need to do some research on this, and be prepared to listen to where they are having problems and also give some extra classes if necessary.

Of course like with many goals and again depending on your goal there may be different maps or ways to get there, and possibly you may be able to take advantage of someone else's experience and advice along the way. For some of your goals however you will probably be going "where no man has been before". So you need to map out as much as you can and start doing what you can.

It's difficult to know which the most important part of that anagram is: Results, Purpose or Method. Really you need them all! If you set off without knowing what result you are after, then how will you know if you have achieved what you wanted? And if you don't know what the original purpose was you might end up with the wrong result. People often put plans into action before knowing clearly what they actually want to achieve and why. By the same token if you know what you want and for what purpose, but never put it into action, well it will always stay just a pipe-dream and will never become a reality.

My recommendation is to start applying the RPM method right away and put some Vooma into your goals and into your life!

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. - Antony Robbins