SMART progress chart in 2010

As the sun kisses the morning dew and rises up high in the cobalt sky on the first morning of 2010 we see light and hope along with it. With 2010 inflowing our datebook, now is the time to sit back, reminisce the past year and of course write down your goals for this coming year. A “New Years Resolution” as it seems to be but it’s not. Writing down our goals for the coming year is just giving guidelines for ourselves to look up too each time we’re feeling out of direction. If we don’t, out of the blue we will realize that the year end again and we’re speculating what happened in the last twelve months, be in awe of why we are not closer to our dreams than we we’re when the year started. If we don’t set goals we will perceive and know-how the upshot of what had life brought to us rather than what we brought to out life with underlying principle.

We can write our goals in a clean sheet of paper or instead cartolina and manila paper so we can post it in our room and refer to it more often. This will serve as a knick-knack and reminder for us. This is our roadmap to the path or track we are heading in.

Goal settingis not that hard.  Remember the riddle axiom “how do you live your day?” The answer is “one day at a time”, which means little by little and step by step. How we live our life is just the same as to how we set goals. Attaining the outcome you wanted are very much the same as taking life step-by step. For instance, we can’t loss weight as fast as we want too without taking the few processes or weight loss techniques to attain our desire figure. Another good example too is finishing school in a week or month. It can’t be right? We really have to undergo a step by step process from kindergarten to grades school and so on. Different steps and phases are needed to get hold of your goal.

The first thing you can do if you’re really having a hard time setting your goals for this year is tothink about what you want to accomplish or what you want to have in life.You must also consider the reasons why you want it. Want is different from needs so you have to be careful also about what you’re thinking. It’s much better to consider first the needs of you than what you wanted in life.

As a final point, its time to set an action plans for your goals. You should write down the ways and steps on how you will achieve your goals.

However, let me strike a chord for you that goals and objectives aren’t a same thing. Though many of us think they are. Goals are where you want to end up or what you want to achieve. Objectives are the steps and strategies to get there or achieve your goals. They always come simultaneously.

Here are my suggested processes when setting up goals. I called it a SMART course of action to get hold of my goals this 2010. This is a straightforward and clear-cut method for everyone.

S – Stands for SIMPLE

SIMPLE- means straightforward and specificon what you sought in life. By making a specific and straightforward goal you will know exactly what track you will have to follow. Having more money this year as your goal is not specific and simple. You have to make it more specific by listing down jobs or part time jobs that will help you earn more money. You can work on weekends or accepts lots of part time work. That is now aSIMPLE and SPECIFICgoal for you. From simple and specific goal you will be able to track in you goals and adjust on it as needed.

M- Stands for Measurable

You will not be able to attain your goal if it is not measurable. Think about how or what you will use to measure your goal. For instance, you want to loss weight. Most of successful weight watchers measure their progress through daily diet journals and exercise regimen. Without thinking, they’re counting how many calories they burn. Their dietary journal and exercise routine is their reference point and measuring tool.

Take the case of a pilot. When a plane takes off, the pilot doesn’t just set in and drink coffee while on flight. The pilot is continuously reading and analyzing where the plane is and where it needs to be. The plane is always drifting off course, a little to the left or to the right. The pilot is always making alteration and rectification until the final destination is reached. If they were not paying attention and constant checking (measuring) you know the plane is bound up for disaster.

A – Stands for Attainable

Does your goal attainable? Can you really become a millionaire in 3 months? Then almost certainly you are setting yourself up for failure. Goals you have set should be attainable of course you can achieve it though perseverance and willingness. To far goals is a failure guaranteed. Remember life is one day at a time and so your goals should not be just simple and measurable it should be also attainable.  Being a millionaire is a very good goal but it’s not that easy to attain. In order to get hold of your goal you have to think of the steps you need to take into and what your limitations and strengths are. Once you know which things thwart you towards your goals, you can make more practical adjustments or steps to your goals. Then make one of those steps your achievable goal to work on this year.

R – Stands for Relevant or reasonable

Can it be done? Can you do it? Make sure you are capable to do your goals. Have focus. The goal should also help move you towards achieving your bigger picture.

Most people actually set themselves up for failure in this step of the process and they are not even aware of it. They set a goal, it is measurable, it is achievable, but it is not rational, reasonable and relevant and therefore they fail and become upset. To gain “mastery” of your goal, you have to be able to feel it, taste it, breathe it, live it, and visualize it. If you cannot do it, your goal will die because there’s no fuel in your car. Set a goal that will strike the iron even it cools down.

T – Stands for Timely Target

What is the timeframe you are going to give yourself in order to achieve these goals? Again, this needs to be specific. Is it one month, 6 months, or one year, may be more? You need to have goals that have a time frame on them (and they also have to be realistic). This will give you sense of urgency and importance. Remember, life is short. Without timeframe, you can just tell yourself you will start whenever. So you need a very clear target to shoot at. Finally, start working on your goals and adjust them where you need to. Measure them often to make sure you are on track.

With thisSMART progress chart, by the time 2010 is over, you can be sure that you created your life in 2010 and that life didn’t just happen to you but it all happened for you and because of you.