Do You Really Want to Achieve Your Goal?

Do You Really Want to Achieve Your Goal?

Most people have lots of goals that they think they “should” reach. They should lose weight, they should get promoted, they should find a partner… All of those goals are so common so that it seems likeit has become a rule in society today that you HAVE TO try to achieve these goals, otherwise you’re not normal.

However, although the fashion at this time in history and in most parts of the world tells us that it is something positive to be thin, will YOU really become a happier person if you lose weight? Similarly, if you have a chance to get promoted the vast majority would scream at you “Take the chance!!!” If you tell them that you don’t actually feel like accepting the promotion they will look at you thinking that there must be something not quite right with you. Next time you ask for their advice, they’ll tell you to go to the mental hospital. In the same way, people think you must be mentally ill if you don’t want to have a girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband.

I’m sure that you are smart enough to realise that just because the rest of the world believes that certain goals should always be strived for, this doesn’t mean that you have to sweat over achieving these same goals.Sometimes people don’t realise that they are pursuing goals that they don’t really want because they have been so thoroughly brainwashed by society.It’s time for you to stop for a moment and examine yourself: do you really want the goals that you are trying to achieve?

Ask yourself these questions:

-          Why do you want to achieve this goal?

-          If you would reach your goal, how would you feel?

-          What would the consequences of achieving your goal be?

If you don’t have clear answers that fill you with lots of motivation and energy when you think about them, it might be time for you to rethink about your goal. You don’t want to waste your life running after a goal that will not make you happy.

Setting goals is the key to success – but only if you set the right goals!

Visit if you want to find out what you REALLY WANT.

Liv Miyagawa –The Self-Esteem Coach