Mighty Man Beware of Mighty Weaknesses to be a True Great man

If you want to be a great man, remember each and every steps of your life is being watched by millions, you should be careful about your approaches and activities. Each and every activity is being watched, cautiously and carefully by others. If one commits a slight mistake people are there to correct and to criticize. Correcting self looking into the expectation of millions is the noblest job on the earth.

Definitely it is very difficult for the downtrodden and poor people who need to be extra careful; they used to be watched critically by the people while excelling in their life towards a higher goal.

Our act makes us worthwhile, so we should not be careless about our act. A well planned formulated act can attract attention of millions. We had witnessed how some musicians draw the attention of millions, through their, a few minute displays after the audience. Those a few minutes display, is backed by rigorous practices and hard works. One need to have continuous efforts to correct own fault and to refine action again and again to reach the level of perfection,  for which one should be  exceptionally introvert to look inside and to identify own weaknesses. Whole process should be followed by regular correction of weaknesses and improvement.  Each and every great personality has sacrificed personal comfort and self interest to make other life comfortable and contended.

The common problem what we are witnessing in present world is “mighty people are having mighty weakness”.  The famous and powerful politicians and authorities are acting as devil. Their inabilities to correct and control themselves are causing incorrigible damage to the society and state.  So since child hood each and every one should be careful to exclude the weakness, as one is working hard to be great a personalities. That needs extra penance, simplicity and sacrifice.

Leader is the dealer of the hopes for millions, he should not be careless. One at higher level should not take into grant that "it happens in normal human life", one should have courage to be exceptionally ethical and great. To correct self one need extra power, which can be derived through silence and remembrance of All Mighty Father as the Father or as Protector.

If in the present world of science and technology the word “impossible" is a myth man has made exceptional progress in the field of space, medicine, communication, manufacturing, genetics , but think of today man is getting defeated by the minor bad habits, vicious thoughts , negative thinking, etc. Powerful man if really wants to be powerful physically and mentally one should have tremendous power to put a brake on negative thoughts which can be derived through power of silence.

Like science, the power of Silence can do impossible thing into possible in the field of moral development, self transformation which can be derived through the determination, concentration and introspection. The unconditional and unlimited love with humanity, nation, self and Ocean of love, knowledge and virtues can inspire to be 100% error free. One singe and simple mistake of a higher authority is equivalent to sum of the mistakes of million common mass. One should aspire to be great at the sometime should be careful about their simple weakness which can cause in repairable damage to self and society.

If you want to be a great man, remember each and every steps of your life is being watched by millions, you should be careful about your approaches and activities. Each and every activity is being watched, cautiously and carefully by others. If one commits a slight mistake people are there to correct and to criticize. Correcting self looking into the expectation of millions is the noblest job on the earth.

Definitely it is very difficult for the downtrodden and poor people who need to be extra careful; they used to be watched critically by the people while excelling in their life towards a higher goal.

Our act makes us worthwhile, so we should not be careless about our act. A well planned formulated act can attract attention of millions. We had witnessed how some musicians draw the attention of millions, through their, a few minute displays after the audience. Those a few minutes display, is backed by rigorous practices and hard works. One need to have continuous efforts to correct own fault and to refine action again and again to reach the level of perfection,  for which one should be exceptionally introvert to look inside and to identify own weaknesses. Whole process should be followed by regular correction of weaknesses and improvement.  Each and every great personality has sacrificed personal comfort and self interest to make other life comfortable and contended.

The common problem what we are witnessing in present world is “mighty people are having mighty weakness”.  The famous and powerful politicians and authorities are acting as devil. Their inabilities to correct and control themselves are causing incorrigible damage to the society and state.  So since child hood each and every one should be careful to exclude the weakness, as one is working hard to be great a personalities. That needs extra penance, simplicity and sacrifice.

Leader is the dealer of the hopes for millions, he should not be careless. One at higher level should not take into grant that "it happens in normal human life", one should have courage to be exceptionally ethical and great. To correct self one need extra power, which can be derived through silence and remembrance of All Mighty Father as the Father or as Protector.

If in the present world of science and technology the word “impossible" is a myth man has made exceptional progress in the field of space, medicine, communication, manufacturing, genetics , but think of today man is getting defeated by the minor bad habits, vicious thoughts , negative thinking, etc. Powerful man if really wants to be powerful physically and mentally one should have tremendous power to put a brake on negative thoughts which can be derived through power of silence.

Like science, the power of Silence can do impossible thing into possible in the field of moral development, self transformation which can be derived through the determination, concentration and introspection. The unconditional and unlimited love with humanity, nation, self and Ocean of love, knowledge and virtues can inspire to be 100% error free. One singe and simple mistake of a higher authority is equivalent to sum of the mistakes of million common mass. One should aspire to be great at the sometime should be careful about their simple weakness which can cause in repairable damage to self and society.