How STDs are Linked to Cervical Cancer

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In the US, a survey found out that 40% of the populaiton of women knew one thing or another about HPV or human papilloma virus. The remaining percent know nothing of it which makes this an alarming situation. Most people are familiar with the term "cancer". But it is still not known how viruses transmitted by sexual contact are responsible for cancer. Women should be aware and take caution because they are at a higher risk of developing it. One of the most terrible products of sexually transmitted diseases is cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer mainly affects women of the age group of 9-26. The cancer begins by infecting the cervix's squamous epithelial tissues. When this takes its severe form, it grows really big to the point of blocking the lower segment of the uterus. Lesions will be big. And not like other forms of STDs, cervical cancer can be a result of other factors. One of these is smoking, wherein the carcinogenic substances found in tobacco accelerate the development of cancer in women's cervical region. One good way of preventing cancer among women is proper nutrition. Eating vegetables and fruits can weaken the elements causing diseases. When a woman lacks vitamin A, it can trigger the occurrence of cervical dysplasia. But vitamin A doesn't affect the reduction of chances of HPV infection. On the other hand, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol), folic acid, carotenoids and CoQ10 can help cut the possibilities of HPV infection.

Even if cervical cancer poses less threat can endometrial and ovarian cancers, it still holds the fifth most dangerous form of cancer in women. It also is the 8th most dangerous cancer in the US. Australia had a record of 734 cases of cervical cancer in 2005. And in UK, this type of cancer is ranks as the 12th most dangerous disease. Cervical cancer was initially a disease among sex workers and was spread mainly by sexual contact and is rare to those who practice celibacy. And because it is transmitted sexually, it was discovered that it affects women who married men whose first wives succumbed to cervical cancer. After establishing a connection between Rabbit Papilloma Virus (RPV) and skin cancer among rabbits, it was suspected that there is something transmitted sexually that creates cervical cancer. This was discovered in 1935, and it was only in 1980 that Human Papilloma Virus was first recognized.