Your Invitation to the Gloabl Information Network

Hi. I'm Jini Wimmer and I am here to share with you about the Global Information Network and why you want to become a member of this exclusive private wealth-building International Organization.

The only way to become a member of the Global Information Network is by invitation ONLY! And this is your personal invitation.  It is a private organization of members helping members. If you have a business idea and or want to expand your business, we have members looking for investment opportunities. Maybe you're interested buying and selling stock & bonds or gold and silver, maybe you interested vibrate health & well-being or great relationships with like-minded people. Imagine you can form relationship with people all over the World!

There is so much more than I have time to share with you here, but you can learn more about GIN the Global Information Network by going to

For me, the most amazing thing about GIN is the thought process. It doesn't matter what you want to achieve in life, if your thinking isn't right it can take you a long time to get what you want - if at all. You probably have experienced some success in life, just to have it fall apart later. We are talking about Being, Doing and Having anything you want or desire in life. I believe that life was not meant to be a struggle. Yet that is what a lot of us do each and every day. But that doesn't need to be true anymore.

In a moment I would like you to pause and imagine– if you could Be, Do or Have anything you desire in your life – Who would you Be, what would Do and what would you Have? Please pause this for a moment and close your eyes and really think about that. I'll see you in a moment.

Great-Did you do it?  Could you see that Self who could Be, Do or Have anything you desire?  Are you smiling? We talk about how we want to have things be different in our lives, but do we actually do anything about it? Did you actually pause the video? You have probably heard the expression; Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. How can anything be different if we keep doing the same things?  If you did stop the video – than clearly you are ready to have things be different in your life. You want more. Congratulations. You are already on your way.

The next step would be the go to the Global Information Network website and sign up as a member to get started for the most amazing journey of your life. You will need a affiliate code. I invite you to use mine -  LiveDream.

When I first heard of GIN, I had a negative cash flow each month. I was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, But Peter was quickly was running out. Out of desperation and pray I was led to ‘Your Wish Is Your Command' CD set.  Your Wish Is Your Command talks about the Law of Attraction. But not just what it is, but scientifically how it works and how it doesn't work, so you will know exactly why you have what you have in your life. Up until now, part of that information was kept secret from us unless we were born to a wealthy family or belonged to a private elite organization that only shared this information among its members. The Law of Attraction information is free to members.

My Wish is for you to Be Do or Have Anything you Desire in Life. There is an audio on the GlobalInformationNetwork website. I would suggest listening to it in its entirety. I would love to talk with you and answer any questions you may have. Imagine waking up happy and excited about your life.

There is another aspect to GIN that I would like to share with you now. That is the affiliate program. Very wealthy people have a ‘cash cow'. Money that keeps coming in every month, month after month. They don't need to do anything. Then they are free to get involved in other business ventures, travel or just do nothing. You and I were not fortunate enough to inherit such a cash cow, so GIN created this affiliate program. Suppose you went to a good restaurant and the food and service was very good – you would probably tell your friends and family. If they go to that restaurant, that restaurant doesn't pay you for that referral. Well, in the Global Information Network affiliate program, if you tell your friends and family about GIN and they become a member – GIN will pay you, and handsomely at that. If you tell enough people about it, you could earn $5k, $10k a month or even more. You decide. How would your life be different if you were making $5k or $10k a month – every month? Just by inviting and sharing the Global Information Network with people-  just like you would if you went to a good restaurant. Some people will like it, some will not – so what. All you are doing is sharing.

This may or may not be for you, but all I ask is that you get enough information to make an informed decision. This is the beginning of the beginning. And that's a rare opportunity to get in at the ground floor where your success can be almost guaranteed. It all depends on what you decide. The information is there, the tools are there, and the people are there to help you Be, Do or Have anything you desire.

What do you desire? – Take time to go to the Global Information Network website. If you're still unsure, you can use my affiliate code: LiveDream to become an affiliate member for FREE. That's right. You can become an affiliate member for FREE and still reap the benefits of sharing GIN with your friends and family.

Sign up today – to make tomorrow better. Live Your DREAM!

Thank you for letting me share the Global Information Network with you and Happy Dreaming,

