Manifestation Goes Green /?action=view%C2%A4t=animazione3vw7.gif" If we all watched and applied the principals of The Secret why do we not have those stashes of cash, 100 foot yachts, and sprawling mansions?If you watched or read The Secret and had the slightest hint that there just might be something missing . . . you are 100% correct. This type of metaphysical manifestation is an absolutely great start and while it certainly does carry all the exciting energy to make it a very profitable publication it lacks a lot of important information and details. Manifestation is deeply rooted in our soul's evolution which is subject to universal law and karma not only form this life but others as well, as well as inherited karma. We will save the inherited karma lesson for another article. First, it is important to realize we that all come into this world to learn certain lesions.One of the keys to manifesting is to know and understand your karma and dharma. Karma is the universes balancing that you experience within this life. Dharma is your soul's purpose of experience in this life which is in balance with your soul but unlike karma not necessarily in balance with this life, it is in balance withallyour souls experience, evolution, and growth. An example of dharma is how people feel they are often treated unfairly throughout their lives and still others claim incredible luck. Knowing and understanding your karma and dharma can help it work for you.For example, if you find yourself constantly financially challenged even when you do everything right, chances are this is an indication of a karmic or dharma challenge which you are meant to face in this life. By investigating what your other challenges are you can over come the previous and in a way cancel them out. What others may think of as a blessing may not be a blessing at all. How many smart, beautiful women are single without the love of their life because they intimidate most men in some way? It is amazing how many wonderful caring people give so much to others that they neglect themselves and suffer. Being psychic is supposed to be a gift but let me tell you – it is far from easy to live with! So with this, rethink what you may see as gifts in yourself and others.Any of the afore mentioned, used properly, can help overcome a financial challenge in the example. By using our karma and dharma in balance we lessen the impact of hard lessons and rather than suffering without we can rejoice in the experience of our dharma in a more balanced state within our lives now. Elevating our level of awareness and practicing non-judgment also helps us to see what it is that life is trying to teach us rather than being beat over the head with one painful experience repeated over and over in different ways because we didn't "get it" the first, second, or one hundredth time. Guaranteed, you have never been older than you are right now so get it right as quickly as possible and get moving on to bigger and better things as quickly as possible.If the thought of figuring out your karma and dharma on your own is not a task you feel comfortable with doing, you are wise. Often when we look at ourselves and our lives through our own eyes we are blind to the perspectives of others and the universe with only our experiences upon which to draw our conclusion. Also, we have to remember we are looking for challenges within ourselves so we are already challenged in that area. An honest second opinion of someone who has already mastered our challenges is a great value. Very few psychics know how to do karma and dharma reading (of course I am one that does and offer it as part of my Manifestation class that I teach). This is the quickest way to identify the balancing act most effective for your life. However, as a fair warning, this is not always an easy session as it will be focusing on your challenges first. What is important is to remember and focus on what brings balance and your empowerment for your manifesting your highest and best destiny possible which is the true secrete to living an outstanding life of fulfillment and purpose for your souls evolution on its journey home. |