Why Did Not "The Secret" Feature the Greatest Law of Attraction Teacher and Who is He?

The Law of Attraction is a philosophy, which has been active in the outskirts of popular culture for at least a century. Many teachers of the law came and went in the 20th century in particular, but no one of them managed to make the law popular enough, so that the public becomes really interested in it.

The way that the Law of Attraction became popular was through the hit movie "The Secret" just a few years ago. Millions of people saw "The Secret" all over the world and fell in love with the Law of Attraction. Everyone wants to learn how to attract the object of their desires, and the movie featured great teachers such as Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, and others, who were here to teach everyone how to make the Law of Attraction work.

There were all these teachers in the movie, but there was one notable absence. It was perhaps the most profound teacher of the Law of Attraction, but for some reason he did not appear in the movie. It should, however, be noted that he was the first one that the author of the book and the movie, Rhonda Byrnes, invited to participate in the movie. Yet, he decided to turn her down. Who was this man and why did he turn her down?

By now you must be ready to learn all about him, so I will not keep you waiting any longer. His name is Dr. Robert Anthony, and yes, he declined the offer to appear in a movie, which would make him popular all over the world and allow him to sell even more of his products. For reasons, which he himself prefers not to disclose, he turned down the offer and stuck to his private work. And as he himself says, he does not regret his decision. Perhaps the reason is that sticking to his own teachings allowed him to not dilute his message? That is highly probable.

So what is so unique in Dr. Robert Anthony's message? To find out one would have to listen to one of his programs, or read one of his books, but here I can give you some highlights of his work. His best program to date, which I have listened to several times in called "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" and it teaches sophisticated Law of Attraction techniques, which are not covered in "The Secret." If you are really looking to make the Law of Attraction work for you, then you should look no further than this program, but of course, you should look at some other options as well. So do yourselves a favor and click on the link below, which provides you with reviews of Dr. Robert Anthony, as well as other guru's programs. Enjoy attracting the object of your desire with the Law of Attraction!