5 Proven Techniques to Impress the Universe

Under the law of attractions, you all know that the universe is fair and is more than willing to give whatever you desire, provided that you know what to ask and how to ask. There are 5 steps to impress your thought upon the universe.

Step 1 - Your desire must be clear and definite
The thing is that you cannot send your idea to the universe if you have a vague and misty concept of the things you want. It is not enough that you have a general desire because everybody will have that desire too. Bad example: you want your life to be good. That is not specific enough, everyone will have the same general desire too. A good example: I want a luxury car, a BMW, 530i. This is a very specific and definite desire.

Step 2 - Dwell upon your vision until it is fixed into your mind
It means that you must concentrate and focus your thought and feeling on the thing you want, about bringing energy of thought and feeling to a specific, center point so that something can happen.

Step 3 - Take a mental ownership towards everything in your vision.
It may sound funny, crazy or ridiculous but this is the correct step. In your mind with faith, claim it is already yours. Hold to this mental ownership. Feel real about it, feel real that your desire is already a done deal. Enter your new house with enjoyment and enthusiasm. See yourself living in the house mentally. Use your imagination just as you will use it when it comes to your reality.

Step 4 - Stay determined, open, willing and trust the process.
Everything has a timetable. You must be willing to wait and be patience enough to see the result. The world itself was not created in one day. You have to trust the process that you will see the result you want at the end of the road. The gift that you truly deserve.

Step 5 -Be thankful now as you expect to be when it has taken form
A person who is really sincere can give thanks in advance before it takes physical form, really have faith. He will get rich. He will get what he wants.