Disclosure: The LiquidSalesman

These Editorials are just one man's opinion and does not necessarily represent the ideals of wherever it is you are reading this. This is how I spend my time. I build businesses, write books and travel as much as possible.

Sometimes my business ventures fail and sometimes they make money. Sometimes I change my mind in the middle of a book and start something else. My goal is to keep my mind churning for as much of the day as possible until something catches my attention.  I build on that until it can run on its own and then I'm back to the drawing board.

So far:
- I have published 1 book,The LiquidSalesman.- The Fundamental Guide to Sales Mastery
- Currently working on 2nd publication$0 Budget Strategic Marketing Guide
- Completed dozens of personalized training guides and workshops for independent businesses
- Assisted in research for a great dating book,The System, by Roy Valentine (the psychology of the one night stand)
- Assisted in research for a great global entrepreneurial guide,Stop Working, by Rohan Hall
- and i have assisted in the launch of more than 8 (now fully independent) companies.

Some ideas took root and grew and some didn't. Such is the life of an entrepreneur. The ones that did, I have the business process outsourced to other companies and collect fees.

For those that feel that some of my content is invasive, abusive or misguided and are compelled to comment and express their discontent of my choice of artistic expression, don't. I honestly don't care.

My words are meant to help those who it can. My words are meant to make people, laugh or think a little differently. If there is something that you do not agree with, simply hit the back arrow and choose another article or author.

My name is Errol Chung and this is how I spend my time.