Visualize You Are on Top of Your Game

I pushed off the lift chair and skied slowly to the beginning of the run. I paused for a few seconds running rapidly in my mind the new techniques learned in the previous 3 days. Lean forward, body toward downhill, hands somewhat in front, knees slightly bent, shift weight to downhill leg pressing the ski edges, uphill leg smoothly and lightly paralleling the downhill legs…Still mumbling other instructions when I decisively pushed forward accelerating rapidly down the mountain. Freezing wind and snowflakes hit my face. My mind ignored the storm while screaming muscles fought the steep slope and rapid turns. Screening again the techniques, I struggled to stay in control of the unbelievable speed. Suddenly, the slope changed to a gentle angle approaching a chair lift. I shouted with joy….and opened my eyes. It was dark in the room. My family was sleeping and I was in bed visualizing the following ski day.

For 3 days I had made progress using visualization before a ski session. Each day moved me toward better ski techniques and skills.

Visualization is a well known technique that athletes use. Seasoned basketball, football and tennis players screen game situations in their mind before an important match. Track and field athletes visualize high jumps, distance jumps or the 100 meter sprints before they actually go on the track.

There are 3 kinds of visualizations – Have Visualization, Be Visualization and Do Visualization .

The Have Visualization is visualizing what we want to have in life. It has been promoted in recent years as the "law of attraction" fad. We cannot argue with the popularity of "The Secret". Thousands are still waiting to have their new house and car by visualizing down to the smallest details.

The Be Visualization is visualizing what we want to become. We can visualize that we look fit to get fitter. We can visualize ourselves appearing in TV and magazines to become famous. We can visualize ourselves wealthy to get rich. The Be Visualization focuses our mind on our goals. It creates a clear vision of what we want to do. This vision will motivate us and keep us on track toward achieving that vision. This might happen as long as visualization is followed by action. Action is the only differentiator. Otherwise, Be Visualization is just a day dreaming.

The Do Visualization is visualizing what we want to do. This is a no-nonsense, straight forward technique that is very powerful when you are taking action. We can take advantage on Do Visualization to be on top of our game exactly like top athletes.

To champion our leadership game we should visualize it before we take action.

I gave a speech a few days ago and visualized the whole speech days before. Upon reaching the venue, I spent some time with the attendees to get to know them. From the minute the speech started, my subconscious mind ran the show based on the visualization preparation while my conscious mind interacted with the listeners. No slides or notes were needed. After the speech, I checked my documents and found that not one topic was missed.

Visualization is a leadership skill we can use to enhance our performance, develop our capabilities, and enrich our lives. More importantly, visualization will help us to make an impact on other people lives. Isn't it what leadership all about? Visualize that.