How to Manifest Anything You Want

If you have studied the law of attraction at any given time, you were probably taught that you have to ask for what you want, believe that you can have it and be open to receiving it.  Included among those are doing affirmations.  But just saying affirmations aren't enough which is why a lot of people believe that they aren't really able to manifest anything they want.

One of the key ingredients left out with learning how to manifest whatever you want is that you have to put the feeling behind it like you already have what you want.  It's much easier said than done when you don't have what you want in your possession.  When you say an affirmation like "money comes to me easily and effortlessly" or perhaps "I am perfectly healthy" your rational mind is really saying, "yeah right.  Then why are you still struggling or really, then why are you always complaining that you don't feel good".  Your rational mind will sabotage whatever you are saying to yourself where you subconscious mind can't tell the difference between reality or fantasy.

While saying affirmations do work, they sometimes can feel unbelievable.   Your mind may immediately react with a sarcastic response.  But what if you could bypass those rational thoughts and put those affirmations directly into your subconscious mind!  This way your mind is looking for what is right in your life instead of what is wrong.

The human mind works better when you are asking questions then just using statements.  Instead of saying "money comes to me easily and effortlessly" you can say "why does money always come to me easily and effortlessly"?  Can you see the difference in how the statement feels?  It's just a lot clearer and you don't have the feelings that it's not real.  You can really have a lot of fun with it and it will put you in a different frame of mind.

Just saying affirmations will not manifest anything you want.  It takes a lot more work than that, but once you learn how to incorporate everything that you need in order to learn how to correctly start manifesting anything you want, your life will never be the same.