Do we have the faith to endure the pitfalls of success?

I Love This Industry!!

Most people are unsure of the stability of this industry.  With that being said, you still have to have faith.  Faith that if you put the right amount of positive time and energy into it.  This industry will repay you for years to come.  There is a mental preparation that needs to be established in order to endure the pitfalls.  This industry has been put down and torn apart by people who don’t have faith.  They think they are going to just jump right in and be rich over night.  You can’t come from outside this industry, think you are going to jump right in without putting in the time to learn.  It would be like someone graduating high school and then get a position as a V.P of someone else’s company.  There is a learning curve involved here.  There are steps that need to be taken.  The biggest step is having faith.  Know that if you give it an honest shot and take action for more then 6 months positive things will happen.

Another part to overcoming the pitfalls is having faith in your company.  Once you have done all the research and picked a company.  You need to have faith that it will allow you to be successful.  If you don’t have faith in your company no one else will either.  People will sense that you are not 100% behind the company and its products/services.  When people see you have faith in your company and products/services.  They will buy in and let their guard down to what you are telling or showing them.  That leads us into having faith about what you bring to the table.

Many newbie and some long time veterans are scared to learn from anyone outside their business.  If you want to be successful, you will need to have faith in your judgment of knowledge and skills.  Don't let your upline/mentor and/or company owner tell you they know everything and no other marketing will work except their marketing.  Now I am not saying don't listen to them and at least try what they suggest.  I am saying whatever they are doing works for them.  If it doesn't work for you, don't keep trying to beat a dead horse.  You need to find out what works for you.  There are plenty of mentor in this industry who know other methods of marketing that work.  Find one or two and learn what they are using to be successful.