Thank You? The ultimate tool of success!

From an everyday perspective, how many times do you say thank you?  Who thinks about stuff like this?  I do.  From a Law of Attraction perspective, thank you is responsible for generating more things you are grateful for.  Let us explore this in more depth.

For most people WORDS are just WORDS.  They have meaning when spoken, read or heard  but at the end of the day, they were just a form of communication without any real value.  Now for others, who know the principles of the Law of Attraction and the vibration associated with those words, the real value is yet to come.

Where do you think the voice in your head is?  I mean, is it in-your-head, or through-out you?  Again, you may wonder..who cares?  But this is building on a bigger point.  And that is, when you think or speak about or to someone, you are sending out a vibration along with the words that are being heard.

Of all the words you can speak, Thank You is among the top in producing high vibrations.  These high vibrations are a sort of signal to the Universe that you would like more of the same in a very powerful way.  There isgoodemotion wrapped into these words that carry far beyond the sound of your voice.  Far beyond even, the thoughts in your head.

The simple act of thinking "Thank You" to a green light, or parking space can and will send a signal to the Universe.  In essence, what you are saying is-"I like green lights and parking spaces, keep'em coming".

The reverse is also true as well....

How often have you seen a penny on the ground and walked right on past it.  In essence, what you are saying is-"NO THANK YOU, I don't want free MONEY"  But if you take the time to bend down and pick it up, possibly even thinking Thank You, you send out a positive vibration that FREE MONEY is perfectly acceptable by you.

Thank You works on everything, Try it and see.     Thank You for reading my post.

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