Do What You Love For A Living

A couple of years back, I was unhappy in my job and was searching for a sense of purpose in life. I longed to do something that was more meaningful, fulfilling and rewarding. One day, whilst looking for inspiration online, I discovered some of Wayne Dyer's audio material. He was talking about living with 'a sense of purpose, a sense of mission', and I was very taken with his message that it is possible to do what you love for a living. Over the course of the next year or so, I listened to a lot of his material, and I became convinced that doing what you love and making a living at it was not only possible; to do anythinhg else was an insult to the universe. Hopefully I can convince you of the same with this article.

I have always loved music and I started to play the guitar when I was sixteen. I loved it and soon had a reputation for being the best guitarist in town. I would sit for hours and work out songs on the guitar, something for which I had a real talent. However, I had never really thought about playing the guitar for a living and ended up taking the 'sensible' and 'realisitic' route into a job that, despite paying well, left me unfulfilled and frustrated. We are often told that our passions are alright 'as a hobby' but that they won't pay the bills and family members are often the worst for doing this. But Wayne Dyer really helped me to undo a lot of this societal brainwashing and I got to thinking about how I could get paid to sit and play the guitar all day instead of working for the man. After a period of reflection, I hit on the idea of making videos to teach the stuff I enjoyed working out so much on the guitar and selling them online.

So, I set to work. It wasn't easy. I came up against a lot of skepticism and discouragement from family and friends. I didn't know the first thing about setting up a website and I had no capital whatsover. In fact, I was in quite a lot of debt. Nonetheless, I was determined to succeed and I just started putting one foot in front of the other and finding out how it was all done. I started making the video lessons in my spare time, got a website going all by myself and although I have had a million and one hurdles along the way, the site is now making enough money to live from and I get so much encouragement from my students that I know I am following the right path. Now, I get up when I want and spend the day doing what I love and more money keeps rolling in. If I can do it so can you.

If you really want to do something, then with enough determination, hard-work and persistence, you're going to make things happen. There is no other way it can be. If you can believe in yourself, even during times when you seem to be getting absolutely nowhere, and keep the dream alive, you will be able to do what you love for a living. If you can ignore the skepticism and discouragement of family and friends who sit around making excuses all day and trying to sully your plans, you are going to succeed. End of story.

Take a look at my website with its video guitar lessons