Law of Attraction-Money Manifestation

If you are like most people,  then you most likely thought of learning how to manifest money when you first heard of the law of attraction.  The two subjects often go hand in hand as having more money means that you can better accomplish the other things that you may want in life.

After all,  to succeed in starting your own business,  you have to have a certain amount of money to get you started.  And in order to travel,  you have to have the cash to buy your plane ticket or pay for the automobile that you drive.  So,  it is a basic necessity to have a certain amount of money in your possession.

So,  how can you get started on your money manifestations?

1.  Pick a specific amount that you would like to manifest.  Get a number that motivates and excites you but at the same time seems believable to you right now and in this moment.  It might be $ 1,000 or $ 5,000 or even $ 50,000.  Whatever it is for you,  get a specific amount fixed within your mind.

2.  Start to see yourself as already having this amount.  You want to be able to visualize yourself as having that $ 1,000 in your wallet or your bank account.  If you want that $ 50,000 to buy a new Lexus,  picture yourself having that Lexus.  Get as deep and specific as you can.

This will help you to move in the right direction with your goal to manifest more money in your life.  Would you like to learn more?

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