Manifesting Abundance - Are You Guilty of Making This Fatal Mistake With the Law of Attraction?

I remember when I was in the third grade had a period towards the end of the school year when we were studying tadpoles and frogs. We had fish tanks in our classroom where some had tadpoles to look at, and some had frogs.

On my last day of school, kids who had the permission from their parents got to bring home tadpoles in a glass jar.

I was one of the "lucky" students who had permission to bring home tadpoles. Along with the jar our teacher gave us specific instruction on how to properly care for the tadpoles. I remember one of the SPECIFIC instructions on read, "Do not use soap to clean out your tank. SOAP KILLS TADPOLES."

In other words, soap puts an immediate end to the fledgling life of a tadpole killing any chances (no pun intended) of it growing into a frog.

It kind of makes me think of when we allow weeds to grow along with our plants. Eventually, if we don't pull out the weeds, they will choke the life out of the plant.

Well, when we have a goal of manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction, there's a fatal mistake that you may be guilty of making that kills the process of manifesting abundance before it even starts.

This mistake may be the reason why you're not getting anywhere with the Law of Attraction whatsoever.

You have a dream or desire you want to manifest, you start to visualize and make your release your intention of manifesting it, but then you do something that throws you off focus, and then you abandon the whole process, only to try again a few months later, and wind up repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Before I tell you what this FATAL error is, I have to ask you:

- Do you consider yourself a rational, intelligent person? - Do you consider yourself a person who is well grounded in reality? - Do you pride yourself as being very logical?

Well my friend, if your answer is "yes" to these questions, that's all good when it comes to the real world and dealing with certain problems, but when it comes to reality creation, this is what is killing your chances of manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction.

The FATAL mistake you're making is you're trying to use logic to deal with manifesting your dreams, and logic really has no place when using the Law of Attraction.

You start off with your desire, then you start trying to rationalize "how" it's going to manifest, "when" it's going to manifest, and the likelihood of it manifesting, and then these questions trigger fear and doubt, which kills the seed of your dream and causes you to lose focus.

Those that have mastered reality creation with the Law of Attraction have a TOTALLY different mindset about manifesting abundance.

They have a way of thinking that guarantees that they manifest their desires 100% of the time in a surprisingly speedy and amazing fashion that would make the average person believe that he witnessed a miracle. And you know what?

Today is your lucky day because I'm about to let you in on the secrets that the masters of the Law of Attraction know that have made them so successful at manifesting abundance in their lives.

I remember when I was in the third grade had a period towards the end of the school year when we were studying tadpoles and frogs. We had fish tanks in our classroom where some had tadpoles to look at, and some had frogs.

On my last day of school, kids who had the permission from their parents got to bring home tadpoles in a glass jar.

I was one of the "lucky" students who had permission to bring home tadpoles. Along with the jar our teacher gave us specific instruction on how to properly care for the tadpoles. I remember one of the SPECIFIC instructions on read, "Do not use soap to clean out your tank. SOAP KILLS TADPOLES."

In other words, soap puts an immediate end to the fledgling life of a tadpole killing any chances (no pun intended) of it growing into a frog.

It kind of makes me think of when we allow weeds to grow along with our plants. Eventually, if we don't pull out the weeds, they will choke the life out of the plant.

Well, when we have a goal of manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction, there's a fatal mistake that you may be guilty of making that kills the process of manifesting abundance before it even starts.

This mistake may be the reason why you're not getting anywhere with the Law of Attraction whatsoever.

You have a dream or desire you want to manifest, you start to visualize and make your release your intention of manifesting it, but then you do something that throws you off focus, and then you abandon the whole process, only to try again a few months later, and wind up repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Before I tell you what this FATAL error is, I have to ask you:

- Do you consider yourself a rational, intelligent person? - Do you consider yourself a person who is well grounded in reality? - Do you pride yourself as being very logical?

Well my friend, if your answer is "yes" to these questions, that's all good when it comes to the real world and dealing with certain problems, but when it comes to reality creation, this is what is killing your chances of manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction.

The FATAL mistake you're making is you're trying to use logic to deal with manifesting your dreams, and logic really has no place when using the Law of Attraction.

You start off with your desire, then you start trying to rationalize "how" it's going to manifest, "when" it's going to manifest, and the likelihood of it manifesting, and then these questions trigger fear and doubt, which kills the seed of your dream and causes you to lose focus.

Those that have mastered reality creation with the Law of Attraction have a TOTALLY different mindset about manifesting abundance.

They have a way of thinking that guarantees that they manifest their desires 100% of the time in a surprisingly speedy and amazing fashion that would make the average person believe that he witnessed a miracle. And you know what?

Today is your lucky day because I'm about to let you in on the secrets that the masters of the Law of Attraction know that have made them so successful at manifesting abundance in their lives.