The Best Way To Understand Your Subconscious Mind

Are you a victim of your own life experiences? If you don’t understand the function of the subconscious mind you might be living a life that you less than desire.  As a matter of fact, you might be a victim of your own subconscious mind.

Many people blame outside elements for everything bad that happens to them.  However, the truth is, the problem really comes from within.

The best way to understand the subconscious mind is to know that the universal law of the subconscious mind says: “what you focus on, expand”.  If you spend most of your waking hours complaining, you will get more to complain about.  This is called the law of attraction. And of course this is NOT the best way to apply this powerful law in your life.

The emotion of lack creates more lack.  If you are having financial difficulties, this just means that you have not convinced your subconscious mind that you have plenty.

The extraordinary thing about the subconscious mind is that it believes EVERYTHING you consciously put in your mind.  If you remind yourself that you are lacking that is what you subconscious mind believes and gives you more of.  If you remind yourself that you have plenty, this is what your subconscious mind believes and gives you more of as well.

What you actually can see right now, doesn’t matter.  It’s what you convince your subconscious mind with that really matters.

The best way to feed your subconscious mind is by becoming aware of the things you want, and the thoughts you entertain toward these things.  Do you want to attract these things in your life?  If you do, you need to think accordingly as if you already were in possession of these things.

If you start doing this simple exercise every day, you will start seeing changes in your life, and start getting the results you want.  Remember, you subconscious mind gives you more of what you believe you already have, but it doesn’t need to SEE it. It just needs to BELIEVE it.