The Power of Thought Vibration

In order to succeed with the Law of Attraction, you will eventually need to accept that your ticket to success is feeling good. Positive energy attracts positive energy. You need to understand the concept of thought vibration.

If you are not where you want to be, you are not feeling good: You are either thinking negative thoughts or looking in the direction of where you are instead of where you want to be. You need to make it your obsession to feel good all the time. You can make this possible with the power of thought vibration.

Now believe it or not, you will not feel good by simply trying to feel good. After all, the Law of Attraction deals with the power of your mind. Your thoughts and your attention are the deciding factor of the way you feel.

Our emotions are a result of the thoughts that go through our mind, rather than the emotions we intend to feel. In other words, you cannot just decide to feel good without changing your thoughts. If you have chronically had negative things going through your mind, they are not going to disappear just because you decide to feel good. They are going to reappear, and your goal to feel good will quickly vanish.

The proper way to feel good is to change your thinking. Every single thought you have makes you feel a certain way. This is why thoughts have a vibration. You need to make it your dominant awareness to think about things that you want to see in your experience. Think about things as if you already have them. Focus on what you want to see, rather than the way things are right now. Use the power of thought vibration, to get yourself to feel good.

When you find thoughts that make you feel good, keep focusing on those thoughts until they have become your dominant intention.

Feeling good makes life really simple. The power of feeling good overtakes any negative emotion from the fact that you don’t have certain things in your experience. When you think thoughts that make you feel good, you don’t even care about the things that are missing in your experience. Looking in the direction of what you want makes you feel fulfilled, peaceful and satisfied with life. You don’t even feel like you need anything else to make you happy. This is why thought vibration is such a powerful tool for humans.

What is the beauty of all that? This feeling good is your ticket to the physical manifestation of all your dreams. All of them. All you have to do is be aware of what you are giving your attention to, and control the way you feel with the images you hold in your mind.

Feeling good is the most essential starting point to successfully manifesting your dream life, and you control this with your thought vibration.