Can You Really Win the Lottery With Subliminal Audio?

Some companies are now selling and producing albums to help you to win the lottery. Some give preposterous explanations for how they work and guarantee ultimate success in a minimal period of time... pretty unlikely probably.

There are some resources out there however that give a more down to earth approach to the subject - saying that their subliminals aren't magic, or even proven, but that they have simply designed them to do everything they possibly can to help bring you a better lottery result.

This may still seem a little far out, but the explanation is that they work in 2 main ways:

  1. Firstly due to principles of the law of attraction. They will focus your subconscious mind on bringing money to you, on attracting money into your life, even on winning the lottery and winning large amounts of money. The theory here being that whatever you think and focus on regularly you will manifest into existence.
  2. Secondly they claim to open up your mind to the shared consciousness of the universe. To make you more intuitive and pick numbers from this higher state of awareness. If you could tap into the universal energy which we all share, which controls all of our laws, nature, physics etc then surely you would be able to pick the winning lottery numbers...?

Well we don't know either, but we'd love to give it a try. Someone has to win the lottery right? And just imagine if it was you - how it would change your life, how you could get the life you have always wanted, support your family, your loved ones, your friends... surely it's worth trying something new to get an advantage?