11 Forgotten Laws

The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor takes the Law of Attraction and manifesting to a different level. Or does it?

There are a lot of people promoting this Law of Attraction product, yet many of them haven't actually read or listened to it. Those that have will have certainly not bothered to actually try to apply any of the manifestation principles it contains.

So...the question is...is it worth your investment?

Well...I have now taken a look at it, and I can certainly tell you that, for the money, it's one of the most comprehensive courses that tackle the main 'problems' around making the
Law of Attraction really work.

Do I personally agree with ALL of it? Not necessarily - although, for me, that is a good sign because it means that it's not afraid to 'pull any punches' where pushing the boundaries of the law of attraction is concerned!

I certainly believe that such stuff that challenges your thinking like this does is worth far more than something that just makes you think 'Yeh, I already know that, but I'm not doing it'.

So...Bob Proctor's 11 Forgotten Laws gets my thumbs up as a worthwhile investment...

However, don't just take my word for it! As I run my own self-improvement ezine,  I asked some of my subscribers (and fellow skeptics just like you perhaps?) who have already bought it to let me know what they thought of it - and here's just a couple of those I received...

"I just had to email and tell you how great I thought the 11 Laws were. I've been listening to them on my Ipod as I go to work, and I can tell you that, even though I've read everything on the Law of Attraction, I still found loads that I hadn't even heard of before!"
-Mary McIntyre, Melbourne, Australia.

"Having seen 'The Secret' and trying to get the Law of Attraction to work for me for months, I can finally understand where I've been going wrong! What I got out of one of the lessons - 'The Law of Increase' alone was worth more than the money I paid for the whole thing."
-Jeff Harrison, New Jersey

So there you have it. In my opinion, Bob Proctor's groundbreaking "The 11 Forgotten Laws" is a worthy investment. As long as you actually apply what you read, of course!