How to Overcome Fear - 3 Powerful Law of Attraction Principles to Eliminate Your Fears

The principles behind the law of attraction can help you overcome fear of any kind, from those little tiny ones that never seem to really go away, to those monstrous ones that keep you from reaching your dreams. You can overcome any fear! All you have to do is apply these principles in your life. Here are three simple, yet powerful, concepts that will get you started. You can use these strategies right away to begin turning your fears into a thing of the past.

1. Stay Focused On Your Big Goal - This is the basis of all attraction principles. The more you focus on your desire, the more mental, physical, and spiritual energy that you devote to your dream, the less you have left to focus on your fear. You will find that the more passion you have for a dream, the less your fears seem to matter. Your fears need your attention in order to grow and thrive in your mind. Here is a secret: Fear is not your enemy, you are your own enemy and you will remain so until you begin ignoring your fears and doing the thing that you want to do.

2. Be Flexible - One of the teachings of the law of attraction that can help you eliminate fear is that of being open. Being open to receiving your dreams from any direction, not just from the direction that you thought they had to come from. Being flexible, and willing to change your plans. With an open mind and an expectant attitude, you can often be surprised to discover that you do not even have to take that step that you have been afraid of taking. A new door opens before you and a new opportunity presents itself.

3. Take Action - You have heard it before, action is the key to the law of attraction. Don’t confuse activity with action either. They are two different things. You probably spend a lot of time being active, being ‘busy’, but you need to be spending more time taking actions that move you toward those things you say that you want.

Bonus Strategy: Be Honest With Your Self - There is no self improvement concept in the world, including the law of attraction, that can help you make long lasting changes in your life if you are not 100% honest with yourself. You have to be honest about what you want and what you are willing to do to get it. Ask yourself what it is that is holding you back from reaching out and accomplishing your biggest dreams? Your answer will reveal the area of your life that you need to focus on in order to smash through your fears and begin achieving your dreams.