Manifesting Abundance - 3 Questions Never to Ask If You Want Success With the Law of Attraction

Most people unfortunately will never succeed at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction. Sad but true.


It is because they have the WRONG mindset. If you don't have the right mindset, you will kill any chance of the Law of Attraction manifesting abundance for you.

What throws your mindset off right from the beginning are the questions that you ask yourself. Asking certain questions triggers a flood of negative thoughts that will poison any seed of desire that you intend on manifesting. Here are the three questions that you must NEVER ask yourself if you're serious about manifesting abundance from the Law of Attraction:

1) When?

Asking yourself "when" your desire is going to come into fruition starts you off on the wrong foot right away, because it means that you will be constantly on edge waiting for your desire to materialize. You will be continuously on the watch for something to manifest. Because you have NO control as to when the Universe brings your desire into fruition, you will undoubtedly become impatient, which will lead to you becoming frustrated, which in turn will lead to you doubting the Law of Attraction and you receiving your desires, and if you don't already know, doubt is the NUMBER ONE killer of any dream.

2) Where?

Do you constantly ask yourself where your desire is going to come from after you declare what you desire to manifest? Just like in the previous example, by constantly looking for where things are going to come from, you're trying to control something you have no control over. Moreover, you're attaching yourself to the outcome of where your desire is going to manifest. The Law of Attraction NEVER, EVER works when you are attached to the outcome. Rather, you just become more frustrated, and when you put out frustration, that's what you'll get back, more frustration.

3) How?

This is probably the number one mistake that people make above all the other questions that they ask themselves. You may have something great that you would really like to manifest into reality, but asking yourself "How" will only help to make you start doubting, and nothing great was ever accomplished by doubt.

Rather, the "How" is NONE of your business. That's for the Universe to figure out. You trying to figure the "How' will stop you before you even start.

So what question should you ask yourself?

Simply, just focus on the "What?"

Every master of reality creation is simply concerned with the "What?" of their desires, and they leave the "Where, when and how," for the Universe to figure out. This is why they seem to have such an astounding ability to seemingly manifest things out of thin air.

They have found a way to cultivate the right type of mindset that will make them successful at manifesting abundance by learning to ask themselves the right questions.

Speaking of which, asking yourself the right questions is only a small part of what makes up the mindset required to become a true master of reality creation. There are other aspects to this mindset that these people who seemingly work "miracles" have that very few people are aware of. This is what separates them from the pack.

Well you know what?

You no longer have to be on the outside looking in. I am about to let you in on the secrets that all the masters of reality creation know.