Revealed! - You Were Set Up to Fail at Manifesting Abundance With the Law of Attraction!

Have you ever taken a good look around you?

Look at the television commercials, the ads that are in newspapers, hung on buildings, bus stops, etc. Look at what we see on television programs, the movies, etc.

Our minds are constantly being bombarded with different types of messages telling us how to think, what we should or shouldn't like, what our values should be, what type of self image we should have ourselves, how we should behave, what type of dreams we should be striving for, etc. etc.

This has served to create a world where the majority of the population is made up of sheeple (sheep + people), who live in an artificial reality that was created by someone else. A reality into which I may add, these sheeple had no input whatsoever, and which most never wind up questioning.

Thus, it is no wonder why most people fail at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction, they were set up to fail. Yes, I will repeat it again, you are not succeeding with the Law of Attraction because it was set up that way.


You were set up by the world at large to have your reality dictated to by the powers that be so you can basically be an obedient consumer who enriches the bank accounts of others.

The entire world, whether they like to admit it or not, in one way or another live in a reality that was created by others, with some being more severe than others.

But you know what?

It doesn't have to be that way.

Did you know that there are people who have been able to reach such a level of mastery at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction because they were able to master their own reality?

You will never, ever, ever, succeed at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction (and the other laws and principles of reality creation) until you learn how to master your own reality.

So few people learn how to do it, but those who do are not only able to rule their world, they are able to rule THE world.

If you want to live differently from how most people live, you have to be willing to learn what most people don't know.

I am giving you that chance right now.