Do You Have the Blueprint to Succeed With Manifesting Abundance With the Law of Attraction?

You know what blueprints are right?

They are the plans that dictate how a building is to be built. It is through a blueprint that one can see how the building will look after it is done.

It's interesting how a piece of paper weighing several ounces determines the outcome existence of a building that is hundreds of thousands of tons.

Now let me ask you, what if something was missing when the blueprints of the building were drawn up?

What if the person who drew up the blueprints was given the wrong piece of information involving the measurements of the building?

What if an important piece of the structure were left out?

If that were the case, the construction workers will experience problems while the building is being built that will delay the process. If they do actually succeed in finishing the building, the whole or part of the building will be in danger of one day collapsing.

All this, because the initial foundation wasn't laid down properly.

Have you been experiencing problems manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction? Have you been toiling away and toiling away at it with no results, and you have this nagging sense that something is missing?

Or, better yet, if you have succeeded at manifesting abundance in some way with the Law of Attraction, do you have problems keeping what you have?

If this is the case, then I would say that you don't have the correct blueprint to succeed at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction.

There are two ways your blueprints are off.

The first way it is off is that something important information is missing, and as you very well know, any blueprint that is missing info will result in the building of an unstable structure that will be prone to collapse.

The blueprint that you've most likely been giving about manifesting abundance most likely only involves the Law of Attraction. If this is the case, which I'm sure it is, than you have an incomplete blueprint, and it is no wonder you have been failing to create your own reality.

There are more laws and principles other than the Law of Attraction that are involved in reality creation. A TRUE blueprint of reality creation will contain ALL these laws and principles, not just one.

Secondly, besides being incomplete, your blueprint is faulty, meaning it has inaccurate info on it, hence the reason why you can't seem to hold onto any type of abundance that you do attract in your life. In your mind, you have a lot of false beliefs and perceptions that sabotage your own success.

You know what though?

I have found a way for you to get the ENTIRE blueprint of success with not only the Law of Attraction, but all the laws and principles of reality creation.