Understanding your Subconscious Mind-The Power of Visualization

Visualization is so powerful that sport athletes use it on a regular basis to achieve greatness.  Football players, runners, or golfers, no matter what their sport is, all use the power of visualization.

This mental technique is known to trigger the mind into believing that the body is actually doing the action.

How is this possible?

It is possible, because the subconscious mind act the same way whether an action is visualized mentally or acted upon physically.  This is so powerful that when brain waves are measured either while the body is in action or the mind is visualizing the action, the results are the same.  In other words, the brain waves react the same way whether you are doing something or whether you are visualizing it.

If athletes are using this mental technique to trigger their subconscious mind into helping them perfect their sport, how much more so, do you think you could use this technique of visualization to perform everything better in your life?

Whether you are aware of it or not, you practice visualization every day, and every hour of the day.  The problem is that if your mental visualizations are not in check they are just running wild or going nowhere at all.  In this case your visualizations are not serving you in a positive way and could even prevent you to achieve success.  For your visualization to serve you well, you need to be able to control them.  Just like athletes do.

At the beginning the hardest part is being able to master your visualizations.  If you have tried before, you might have noticed that controlling the mind is a virtual exercise which can be exhausting at first, just as much as a physical one.

This is why you need to take it slow, as you start.  Control your visions about 10 minutes at a time per day.  Sit or lie down in a quiet room and try to visualize an event that you totally control with your mind.  This exercise is meant to help you learn how to concentrate and focus on your visions.  When you get into the habit of controlling your visions, you will become aware of what you are seeing with your mind’s eyes on a daily basis.  Also, as time goes on you will be able to extent your visualization time.

It is very important that you learn to control your visions to serve your purpose in life instead of letting your mind control your life.

Why is it all so important?  Your visions and your subconscious mind are all connected and all this is connected to the law of attraction. Subconscious mind-thoughts-visualizations-attraction.  All together are shaping your life.  Mastering them will help you get what you improve your life greatly.