How to Attract Positive People Into Your Life ~ Some Great Tips on Law of Attraction

Have you heard of the word called “aura”? We all have it! It’s our life energy that glows outward from within us. At any time, each of us is always transmitting positive or negative energy. This energy is picked up by others and respond likewise. This theory is known as the law of attraction.

When you’re transmitting positive aura, you’re attracting like-minded positive people. When positive people come together, they tend to have positive desires, take positive actions and produce positive results. Positive people encourage and support one another.

Negative people, on the other hand, will do just the opposite. They tend to have negative thinking, take negative actions and produce negative results. Negative people will always tell you that you can’t achieve your goals, and that they’re too hard or unreachable.

So, how do you know if you’re having a positive or negative aura?

The answer is simple. If your thoughts are constantly bombarded by negative phrases such as “I can’t do it”, “Life’s suck!”, “I can’t succeed”, etc. then you’re attracting negativity and will end up having negative aura.

Believe it or not, the universe and people around you will respond to your aura. If you have negative aura, you’ll attract negative people. On the other hand, if you have positive aura, you’ll attract positive people.

If you find yourself focusing on negative things, it’s time to make a change. Maybe your parents were role models of criticism instead of encouragement, or maybe you’ve always surrounded yourself with negative friends. Whatever the reason, there’s no use to dwell on it, learn from it and treat it as your past.

Make an effort to associate with positive people.

Here are some tips to help you attract positive people into your life:

1. Look for positive qualities in other people. All of us have good as well as bad qualities. Focus more of your attention on positive qualities in others even though it’s far easier to see someone’s faults before seeing their goodness. So start challenging yourself today to look only for a person’s good qualities.

2. Be conscious of your own good qualities and use them. Always make effort to project your positive qualities to others. Doing so can help boost your self-esteem and influence others to respond with their positive qualities as well.

3. Refrain from judging. When you judge others, you tend to produce negative energy and this will attract more of the same back to you. Again, always give more attention to the goodness in others.

4. Value others’ opinions. Positive energy is open-minded. Listen to all points of view and do your best to understand them, regardless of how different from your own they are.

5. Revel in the success and happiness of others. Positive people are pleased and excited when they see others’ success. They will pick up on the successful traits and use them as a motivator. On the other hand, negative energy is jealous of others’ success and happiness.

6. Set goals and have dreams in your life. Each day, do the things that will move you closer to your goals. Embrace your joy every step of the way as you achieve your goals.

Like it or not, we all have negative thoughts and emotions, don’t be afraid to admit it as we’re all human and it’s a human nature to have negative thoughts and emotions. The key is not to dwell on them.

Follow and use the tips above and become a positive person today, it will help you attract more positive people into your life. The more positive people you associate with, the more joy and fulfillment you’ll feel in your life.

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