Omega-3 And Turmeric Kill Cancer

Since I'm a 4-time survivor of cancer myself. I find myself always trying to keep up with the latest in medical research and supplements. A big part of my life is supplementation and prevention. I try to eat right, exercise and take natural supplements that have been proven to prevent, fight and even kill cancer!

I've always known that omega-3's were great for the body. They help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, stabilize mood, improve your memory and clear up your skin, but then I read a study that blew my mind. It was a study done on the effects of omega-3 on cancer. Lab rats with pancreatic cancer were given omega-3, amazingly the tumor halted it's growth by roughly 25%. Now that is pretty awesome. These same rats were then give turmeric only. The tumors then stopped their growth by about! So, obviously the next step was to combine both omega-3 and turmeric and see the results. It was mind blowing. The tumors stopped their growth by over 70%! Yea, you read that right! Over 70%! So it kind of made sense when I later read about new breast cancer drugs using omega-3 as one of the main ingredients.

So if you are currently a patient undergoing treatment for cancer, I would definitely suggest looking into the use of omega-3's and turmeric; and if you are into the prevention of disease, you should also look into using omega-3's and turmeric as a way of reducing your risk cancer and other disease.