Worry and the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction always brings you what you predominately think and feel about. Knowing this, isn't it time that you started to pay closer attention to what thoughts run through your mind?

In the beginning the idea of monitoring your thoughts can be a tough nut to crack. You may wonder how you could possibly put a lid on all the banter that goes on in your brain. And truth be told, you can't. Researchers say we have between 60-80,000 thoughts per day so keeping tabs on all of them would mean that watching what you think would pretty much be all you ever did in a day.

Remember I said the word "predominately." So you work on this as best as you can. Get yourself a notebook and write down some of these thoughts as you get a chance to during the day. At the end of the day, take a look at your list. If your thoughts are negative, look for ways to turn it into a positive. Eliminate the words don't, won't and can't. Instead of "I can't" use "I can." Look for constructive ways to meet your goals. Assume the best and not the worst. Remind yourself that you are a worthy person and worthy people have good things happen to them. Learn to appreciate the little things around you; a beautiful sunset, someone's friendly smile, the love of a pet. Happiness helps to banish worry and helps you think clearly. And when you start to think those happy,I'm set-on-my-goals-and-I'm-going to reach-them thoughts., the Universe will send you exactly what you want!

Do nice things for yourself. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend. If you make a mistake don't dwell on it, just learn from it so you can do better the next time around.

The Law of Attraction is always working. So shouldn't it be working for you instead of against you?