What I Learned About Surviving Cancer

I recently talked to two women who have cancer. While we talked I made the mistake of referring to them as cancer victims. Politely and with a seemingly deep down calm and non-judgmental manner, they told me they do not consider themselves victims, but cancer survivors.

We talked more about cancer and the things they feel have sustained and helped them.
Lori was relatively new to the cancer world having been diagnosed in 2007. Alaina however, was an old hat navigating the cancer world, having been diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer approximately four years ago.

My talk with Alaina and Lori was for an interview I was conducting on surviving cancer and here’s what these two positive cancer…survivors, taught me.

· Cancer patients should be considered survivors in their journey to get well.
· There are actually more experimental cancer drugs being tested presently then are actual cancer drugs being utilized to help people, consequently, there is new hope every day that better medications will be found.
· There is always light at the end of the tunnel…keep hope alive if you have cancer.
· Tell your friends and loved ones if you’re diagnosed. Be a close partner with them. Tell the truth and let them support you.
· If you have cancer open yourself up to the inner strength you have, no matter who you are. You have it and let if flow. In, addition, open yourself up to the new horizons regarding life that you may now understand where you could not before.
· Let yourself feel the true support and caring of others. Most people, regardless of what we see daily on television or read about regarding mans inhumanity are extraordinarily supportive when it comes to helping people through illnesses.
· It is said that one out of three people will get a cancer. Consider getting cancer insurance (I never knew it existed). It may make things easier financially if you do get cancer.

I learned cancer is a terrible, life altering and deadly illness. Moreover, I learned cancer cannot easily triumph over men and women who are positive, utilize a great medical team and have a caring support system.