Law Of Attraction: Are You Attractive?..

When you learn about the Law of Attraction for the first time, you may think you can just 'start using it'...Soon, all those fun, cool things and circumstances will begin coming your way!


There is truth in this - because the cool, fun things will come - however they will come faster when you really let it sink in WHO is in control here. YOU are in control, and that means you're in control of all the stuff you DON'T want, too. To say that we can attract and create all the fun stuff without taking responsibility for the things we perceive as negative is to see only half the picture.

We create it ALL. If you are miserable at your job, then you created being miserable at your job. There will be other people in the world who are happy doing that same job. Of course, it's OK to be miserable...what's not OK when it comes to conscious creation is to deny that you are the cause of the misery.

The wise Eleanor Roosevelt is said to have remarked,"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."I believe this is a fundamental principle which applies to any feeling but in this case any negative feeling, whether sadness, anger or any sort of misery. No one and nothing outside of you can cause misery.

We may have heard this theory in different ways all of our lives, because these are constants that hold true whether we are aware of them or not. However, it is only when we REALLY think deeply on this and accept responsibility foreverythingin our lives, that we are free to begin creating otherwise.

The Law of Attraction works unerringly and always. You ARE attracting and creating, at every moment. So...if you've been feeling stuck, it's because you are! To 'unstick' yourself, try asking some different questions: instead of'Why is this happening to me?'try,'Why would I want to create this situation in my life? What am I trying to protect myself from? What am I avoiding by being stuck in this?'

You ARE what are you attracting?