Law of Attractions - Five Reasons Why You Keep on Failing

After reading many books, attending dozens of seminars and applying countless techniques about the law of attractions that you always wanted, you still failed...why?

First, you need to know that understanding and applying is two different things. For you to understand the concept is very easy but for you to apply the concept in your life and the most important part - to SEE it happened is another BIG issue.

There are 5 reasons why you fail to attract what you want into your life:

1. Fear of change - It is human nature that we always resist to any new changes that come into our lives. It is because our subconscious "conditioned mind" does not like change. It is our survival mechanism. It perceives any type of change as a threat to our survival. But listen, face this fact, no matter what method you are using, if your resistance to change is very strong, none of this method will work for you. You must get out of your comfort zone, you must accept changes. Then, and only then your life will be transformed successfully, once you bypass your survival mechanism.

2. You want an immediate result - You must understand and accept the value of patience. The world itself is not created in one day. You cannot measure the results in few days or few weeks. Give time for the seed that you plant in yourself to sprout. How fast you will see the result depends on your level of commitment.

3. Give up to soon - This usually happens when there is a temporary setbacks and you quickly jump into conclusion that this thing doesn't work for you. Please, do not give up even when it looks like it is "not working".

4. ""Trying" instead of "Doing" - Every time you "TRY", you are setting yourself up for failure. The point here is you must "DO" instead of "TRY". When you start "DOING" you can begin to see some results.

5. Focus on HOW instead of WHY - When you start to figure out "how" you want to reach your goal or desire, you start pressuring yourself and lose your focus on your objective. You will easily give up when the going gets tough. Therefore, always focus on "why" because you will always remember the benefits and the blessings behind them. Trust me, when you start focusing on the "why", you will always stay motivated and calm no matter what challenges or obstacles might be waiting for you on your journey to reach your dream.