The Secret Law Of Attraction

By: David P Kennedy

To help you learn more about law of attraction , abundance, manifest, the secret and so much more... I would like to recommend to you at this time an article that I would like to share with you on the Law Of Attraction Some Great info there.

It is is just one of the laws that will help bring you ( or Manifest into your life ) What the secret is teaching. All that you desire in life can be yours as long as you want it for all others as well. Your success comes to you by means of helping others.

The Law Of AttractionJust what is it exactly.

The Secret is only the beginning.

Abundance, Abundant living, how to manifest things?

We all have used it at leased once in our lives yet we don't pay attention to it never mind understand it

What drew you here? You Attracted this web site to you looking for answers. Just as I have attracted all that I learned from others.

The more we busy ourselves in our day-to-day activities the less time we put into learning what really makes our desires become our realities. Ever hear the saying Seek and you will find? There are three steps that make up the law of attraction...Ask, Believe, And Receive.

But there is a bit more to it that just that. Other sayings... You are what you think... What goes around comes around...etc.

Most of the world has lost their ability to quiet the mind. To relax and get in contact with the Being side of ourselves. We are Human Beings. The being side of us is linked to the source that can make all things possible to everyone...What's that you ask...everyone Yes everyone.

The opportunity is there for the Poor and the rich alike. The law of attraction will make what you want manifest into reality.

Your potential is equal if your desire to have the abundance in life you seek. What you ask and believe you manifest into being.

We tend to cut ourselves off from this by believing or being made to believe that we are all separate from each other. Either by race, religion, politics etc. The truth is... We are all made up of the same substance I like to call " Thought Energy "

Quantum Science has confirmed this. Everything is made up of this substance including the universe and all that are in it. Nothing can be created without thought entering into the equation. The Law of attraction was created before time.

Quantum science also explains that the universe is always expanding because creation always moves forward and our quest as part of it is to always want more.

That drives us to create and moves us all forward. We all want the same things. A good home, a good job, great vacations etc. In short we all want Great Health, Wealth and happiness.

It is truly within all of us to have these things. I want these things for you all. In turn the world can be a great place to be. Everyone helping everyone.

I will be offering links to some of the great teaches of our time for you, Please take the time to visit it will chance your life for the better.

I want to give you a little example of the law of attraction at this time. A true story from when I was younger.

I was learning how to play the Guitar and had a cheap one. First I have to tell you my Parents had 5 children I am the youngest (and no I have never been spoiled...) we were Lower middle class and there was never enough for extras.

Anyway I use to go into the local music store and I use to look at this one electric Guitar. Wow I thought about it day and night and I only mentioned it once to my Mom and left it at that. My parents could never afford things like that. I never asked for things and I never got them.

Day after day I would go down to the store to see this guitar and I would see it in my hands and how it played it was already mine in my mind.

It Cost $85.00 then. One day I came home from the music store and my Mother said that my Dad wanted to talk to me. He told me I was learning the Guitar really well and thought I deserved a better one. He gave me $90.00 in my shaking hands and said it was the least he could do for me.

My faith or should I say Belief was herd and answered?

I went to the store and I bought that guitar. The shop keeper was happy for me as well.

I never asked my parents for the money but I was on the same wavelength of the Universal, Creative thought.

I asked, I truly believed, and I anticipated receiving.

Anything you desire no matter how small or great comes to you in the same manner.

Ask...Believe...Receive. Do not think twice or sabotage your goals. room for doubt.

Be positive and don't let any thing or one stop you. Negative thoughts Have no room in your life.

Become aware of what you think about. When you see the Negative thoughts coming see them for what they are and they will have no room in your life.

Replace them with positive thoughts. Never say I think I can always say I can and will.

Remember it is you that creates your world...Good or bad. Ever know some one who is always worrying about their health... they are always sick. You create things good or bad. What you think about the most is what you create for yourself.

Never think about what you don't have only think about what you will have. You will draw the resources you need to you. You will manifest into your life that which is on your mind the most and have all the abundance you want.

Never think about being in debt because that is what you will create more of.

Always be grateful for what you have and thankful. That puts you on the same wavelength of the thought energy and you will create the positive changes you seek to have in your life.

Every morning when you wake up say to yourself... I am greatfull and thankful for such a great day. Say it threw out the day.

You will begin to see a better you if you don't allow negative thoughts to run you.

Always look at the best and you will have it.

It takes time to master but your life will be forever exciting and abundant.

Study hard and change your life and your world and you can have anything you want, go anywhere you want and be anything you want to be. Just ask...Beleive...and Receive.

The law of attraction will manifest for you to. The secret is this...only you can change your life.

Take care, Positive thoughts and abundance to you all...David P Kennedy