If you are looking to change your finances, your lifestyle, your relationship or your current situation in life, you must start by changing the way you think about things - your attitude. Your attitude is how you view the world and your place in the world. One powerful way to change your attitude is through the use of daily positive affirmation.  An affirmation is a powerful declaration of support for a belief. "I am a successful person and opportunities come to me daily," is an example of an affirmation.

There are 3 secrets to custom building your own powerful and effective affirmations. Once you master these concepts, you will be able to develop your own positive affirmation sequence and truly start to change your attitude and see tremendous improvement in the results toward achieving what you want in life.

The initial concept in writing your own positive affirmation is to make sure it is in The First Person.  You're quest is to develop yourself and your self image, so you can improve your situation. You always want to start an affirmation with the word "I…" Remember to visualize what you want or what kind of person you need to be to get what you want. "I am confident and poised. I make quick, intelligent decisions. I am calm and determined."

The next step in building a relevant affirmation is to make sure it is in the Present Tense. "Iama positive and enthusiastic person," is what you say; you don't say "Iwantto be a positive and enthusiastic person." When you speak the affirmation, you visualize yourself already possessing the quality or attribute you want. You are not becoming something…you have already become…and your words are merely affirming what you know to be true.

The final element you need in order to complete your affirmation is to make sure it is Vividly Detailed. As you speak the affirmation, you should try to see the word picture you are painting. The more details you provide, the easier the image is for you to see and believe. Which of the next two phrases is more descriptive? "I have energy,"…or this "I am powerful and alive. My skin feels electric with high energy. My senses are sharp and alert, my muscles coiled like springs. I am a sleek leopard, ready to pounce." Remember, the more vividly detailed the better. Have some fun with it.

You will learn to master crafting these affirmations over time if you stick to the basic framework of keeping it in First Person, In the Present Tense and Vividly Detailed.

Now that you know the three secrets of building a positive affirmation, you should start immediately on crafting your own series. Once you have 4 or 5 written, you will want to repeat them once in the morning as you wake up and once in the evening before you go to sleep. As you do this daily, you will start to notice a positive change in the way you think about yourself and your level of confidence in your own abilities will rise. The key is to continue writing new, more powerful affirmations as you and your achievements grow.