Vibrational Frequency

If you have ever read a book by Esther and Jerry Hicks such asThe Law of AttractionorAsk and It is Given, then you probably noticed by now, that the main narrator (Esther) has the ability to channel a source from the Non-Physical Dimension to us, the reader. This source that she has is named Abraham, and it is through her body, that “they” speak to us.

Here is my opinion of the books. First, there is a lot of “fluffy” language used in the books that I believe we wouldn’t use in our everyday language. Secondly, it was hard to imagine that the entire narration was by somebody other than the narrator itself, but by some sort of Source that exists in a “Non-Physical Dimension.” Finally, through hundreds of pages, it was over repeating the same messages just in different ways using new vernacular or jargon.

These things aren’t a bad thing, but a lot of it did feel tedious and also felt like a practical element was left out. But one of the things I tried to focus on was applying the Law of Attraction in a way that we would all understand – a down-to-earth way. And one of the most important things I liked about the book was their description onvibrational frequency.

The Law of Attraction states, “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” The simple, yet overly talked about concept, points out that you get what you are thinking about or you draw out what it is from your predominant thoughts. What people don’t get that this is just part of the equation. What if you’re in a bad mood? Will you still be able to attract what you are thinking aboutevenif you’re in a negative state? This is where the analogy of vibrational frequency sets in.

In the book, we are all emitting vibrationsthroughout the universe, whether it is through our thoughts or our feelings. And it is important to match both of these things so they harmonize, making it easier for the universe to accept this and give you access to what you want.

Because we cannot monitor our thoughts at all time, it is easier that wefeeland let our emotionsguideus to our desires. Other names from the book include:

  • Energy
  • Act of Flowing Energy
  • Source
  • Source Energy
  • Energy Stream
  • Well-Being
  • Stream of Well-Being
  • Stream of Consciousness
  • Inner Being

Don’t let it confuse you however, since all these things, more or less mean our emotions and how it flows through space.  And it is important that we emit positive emotions in order to match our thoughts, or in other ways our strongest desires to match our beliefs. Remember, that desires come from emotions such as as enthusiasm and confidence.

An analogy used was to pretend that there is a radio station. If you put your radio station at 88.5 FM it will not receive signals at 102 FM because the radio frequency is different. The first station is picking up the wrong signals. It is the same with your feelings. To have similar frequencies, it is important to develop or be in a state of positive emotions, as negative emotions will further the frequencies, and just like a radio, you will not be able to hear beautiful music that you want to hear.

For example, if you are thinking of something that you want but you are frustrated, impatient, and doubt, than the frequencies you are setting out not in harmony. This will cause discord and make it harder for you to get what you want. However, if you are thinking of what you want, and you bring in joy, passion, and excitement, than your frequencies begin to match are set out in harmony, which will attract what you want faster. It’s all about matching your vibrational frequencies.

Although other people may try to help you change your frequency and bring it to a better, more harmonized state through their positivity, but ultimately they do not understand your thoughts and do not have control over your consciousness. That choice is completely up to you. When it comes down to who’s in control, you are the only person that has access to the “radio switch knob.” You are the one that sets the frequency. Even if others may often be eager to help you out with the best intentions, without your permission, they cannot turn the knob or change the frequency for you. This is what vibrational frequency means.

Although the books are written in a way is kind of up the air, the concept is pretty down-to-earth. In the simplest sense, it just means your dominant thoughts will give you what you want; your positive feelings will drive you to want make you take natural actions which will attract what it is that you want to you; while negative feelings will resist what you want and stop you from taking action, resulting in a more difficult path to getting to your desires.

So feel your vibrational frequency. Are your feelings and your thoughts matching? Are the vibrations you are sending off to the universe positive or negative? And finally, do you feel like your vibrational frequencies are in harmony, meaning are you feeding your thoughts positive energy? These are some questions to ask yourself. If you see you are having a hard time making the Law of Attraction work, maybe it’s time to re-work our emotions in a way that our vibrational frequencies match each other.