How To Improve Your Subconscious Mind And Quite Living A life By Default

Even if you have never heard of the subconscious mind before, your subconscious mind has guided your everyday life until now without you being aware of it.

The reason why the subconscious mind is shaping our lives is because it is the part of the mind that has the power to make up the experiences that we are going through.  In other words, what we are subconsciously is showing throughout our life circumstances, achievements and results.

Most people live on a subconscious mind shaped by “defaults” when they were growing up.  This is not the best way to control your life.  But the good news is that you can improve your subconscious mind and quite living a life by default.  This is done by consciously changing your thoughts.

We cannot control how many thoughts we have in a day, they are just too many to keep track of all of them.  However, we can learn how to become “aware” of our main recurring thoughts by concentrating just a few minutes a day about our thought process and our inner feelings. What you consciously want has very little to do with it.

    What you can do, however, is consciously change the pattern of your subconscious mind by taking control , mastering your thoughts and becoming fully “aware” of what kind of thoughts they are.

    By being an observer from the “outside” as if you were separated from your thoughts, you will be able to improve your thinking habits in order to improve your subconscious mind level.  This in turn, will improve your life. Sounds like a hard thing to do?  It really isn’t.

    Start spending 10-15 minutes a day sitting or laying down in a quiet place, and start paying attention to what kind of thoughts are crossing your mind.  First, just observe them without doing anything but observing.  What is your thought pattern? Is that what you want to be thinking?

    If you are not exactly where you want to be in life, most likely your thoughts won’t be what you want them to be either.  But now you will be aware of what kind of thoughts come through your mind every day.

    After few day of watching your way of thinking, try to replace any thought that you see as negative or detrimental, by something you would like to BE or would like to HAVE.  Change your thoughts as you wish.

    You have total control. You can change your thoughts at will and therefore, improve your subconscious mind and quite living a life by default.