Walking The Talk - A Key Element To Mastering The Law Of Attraction

The hit movie " target="_self" "The Secret" was a movie that awakened many to the possibilities of a much better life.  The power behind the movie is truly amazing and the message - mindblowing. " target="_self" "The Secret" presented an ever existing message and translated it in a way that modern day could understand.

Rhonda Byrne clearly had a vision of being able to present the information to others in a way that would interest them and catch their attention.  She was bang on.  She and the teachers in the movie knew there was no secret, but society tends to believe there is a secret to happiness.  I happen to believe that is how the name originated.

The movie and book is meant to educate people to retrain their thought patterns and to improve their mindset.  Many critics think the message of the movie was if we just think happy thoughts that are life will improve.  That is absolutely silly.

Everything in our lives was originated through our thoughts and beliefs.  Thoughts and beliefs are just the starting point.  Thoughts are strongly related to our emotions.  Our emotions are strongly related to our vibration that we emit into the universe.  The universe will use this energy that you are emitting outwards and will attract related energies and vibrations to you, example opportunities and similar people.

Having said this, if you are emitting a negative vibration due to the negative thoughts you began with, you will attract negative people and negative events.  When this happens, good things will not be able to attract to you.

Here is where some can get confused.   Your thoughts need to match your feelings.  If you are thinking happy thoughts but are not feeling the happiness associated with these thought, then the universe will still attract your vibration, not your thoughts.  The universe cannot read your mind, it can only work as a magnet with your vibration that you are emitting outwards.

Here is where I will somewhat contradict myself.  It is still important to think happy thoughts even though we are not feeling it.  That is actually apart of retraining your thinking and your belief system.  If you are in a negative mood, replace these negative thoughts with positive thoughts and it will have a physiological effect on you.  It is also important not to rely soley on this to enhance your mood, but to use this as a tool to train your mind.

Thinking happy thoughts is just the starting point of the process to building a better life.  The key element is to live it.  Building a positive vibration is one thing, but maintaining this vibration is where the gold is at.  Being consistant with this vibration will give you the power to begin attracting your desires on a regular basis and you will see results on a much larger scale the longer your vibration remains constant.

How to get started walking your talk:

  • Believe that this process will work.  Your belief system directly affects your thoughts.
  • Begin replacing your negative thoughts with positive thoughts even if you don't believe it at first.  This is a great way to retrain your thought patterns.
  • Concentrate and slow down your breathing.  This will allow your mind to relax and allow for positive messages to enter your mind.
  • Begin healing processes.  If we allow ourselves to heal from past events, that will eliminate many blockages you may be encountering with raising your vibrational level.
  • Affirm to yourself every single day that you are presently accomplishing your goal, even when obstacles present themselves.
  • Meditate.  Quieting the mind and nurturing the soul will help relax the body and the mind that will allow for clearer thinking and better focus.
  • Watch your mouth.  Careful what kind of words you are speaking.  If you are speaking in negatives, then negativity can become a reality.  Also watch 'body' language.  If you say things like 'so and so' makes you sick, you may become sick.  Same as someone being a pain in your neck, your neck can become painful.  Your mind and body do not know slang.
  • Who are you hanging around?  Are you hanging around depressing people or energy vampires.  You become who you hang around because these people will not stimulate your strengths, only your weaknesses.
  • The Attitude of Gratitude.  Genuinely be grateful for what you already have and for the journey that you are on.  The feeling of being grateful will raise your vibration significantly.

If you are going to become an advocate of positive thinking and empowered living, then walk your talk.  Remain authentic and true and you will see incredible results all around you.