Manifesting Wealth - Three Secrets

Positive thinking and faith can help you pile up wealth of all kinds, or so the thinking goes.
"Think and Grow Rich", a seminal book by Napoleon Hill, outlines the basics of making wealth a reality in your life.This tome is full of inspirational stories about average people who were able to lift themselves out of lives of personal and financial ruin and through the power of positive thinking and persistence bring wealth of many kinds into their lives.
Manifesting wealth in one's life is based on a some fundamentals that Hill has amplified:
Developing a Burning Desire for Riches - This is not to mean that you can just sit around hoping. You must develop a desire that is all-consuming. This is the crux of realizing wealth of all kinds in your life.Hill doesn't mince around. He tells us to write our desires, make a checklist that outlines what kind of wealth, how much, when we want it, and how we intend to get it.Once you've come up with the list, Hill instructs you to read it - ALOUD - twice a day to brand the answers on your conscious and subconscious mine.
Develop Faith in Your Ability at Manifesting Wealth - There is a great saying, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."Financial security, no - abundance - is coming to you; you must believe that to the bottom of your soul. You must have faith that it will happen.By reading your list twice a day, Hill asserts that you will begin to believe that the universe will produce what you command.
Act with Persistence Toward Your Goal - This is the third step to realizing wealth, continuous and persistent action.
I've seen that there are losers and there are winners. The losers sit around wishing. The winners don't sit around - they act.Your goal, once you have deep faith and burning desire, will require actions that seem effortless.
The story about Thomas Edison and his 10,000 failures as he was inventing the light-bulb is a perfect example of effort being easy. He knew it would eventually happen.Hill uses Edison as an epitome of his process. First, Edison knew it could happen. Second, Edison knew he was right. Third, Edison persisted in spite of failure. Edison won.
Determination brings your goal into reality. If you are focused on the outcome, if you truly believe you can do it, if you have persistence, the world is yours.

If you enjoyed this and want to learn more great ways to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to bring wealth into your life, check out Manifest Wealth Tips and LOA and Money .