Manifesting Abundance - Getting Some of This Thing Will Force the Law of Attraction to Work For You

There's something that many people lack that causes them to fail at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction.

If you don't have this thing, then it doesn't matter how much you know about the Law of Attraction, how many books you've read on the subject, how many Law of Attraction courses you've taken, or how many detailed vision boards you have up on your wall.

In fact, these things you do will only serve to make you look foolish when one crucial factor is missing from the whole equation. Not having this thing will cause your dreams to evaporate into thin air and leave you only left with, thin air.

I remember reading a story about Tiger Woods some years back that said that when he was being coached in golf by his father as a child, his father will yell at him, make noise, and throw things behind him to help him develop this crucial element to his game.

When I was talking to a friend of mine a few days ago, he mentioned to me that he was watching a basketball game with the L.A. Lakers playing, and he saw Chris Rock sitting courtside, telling jokes to the Lakers' bench and making them laugh. Kobe Bryant was on the bench as well, not laughing nor paying attention to Chris Rock because he had this crucial element.

What is this crucial element?

The element is called focus.

If you're getting nowhere with manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction, then it is very likely that you haven't developed any focus, and the slightest thing throws you off course.

Now, you may be thinking, "Duh. I know that already. This is common sense."

Well, I'm not just talking about any type of focus here, there is a SPECIFIC type of focus that you need to have if you want to make the Law of Attraction work to start manifesting abundance in your life.

If you knew the specific type of focus I was talking about, then you would've gotten it already, wouldn't you? Anyone who has been able to master reality creation knows what I'm talking about because they know this is the KEY to their mastery.

This type of focus involves knowing the OTHER laws and principles of reality creation beyond the Law of Attraction.