Do You Attract What You Want Or Do Things Just Happen to You?

Let me ask you a question and I want you to be honest with yourself. It doesn't matter what I think, what matters is that you are truthful with you. Do you consciously create and attract what you want or do you just let things happen to you?

Your answer could be the difference in whether or not you live an abundant and prosperous life or one of quiet desperation. Hey, I'm no magician or guru. I've lived my life in quiet desperation myself before so I know what that feels like.

I also know that you can get yourself out of that feeling and you can do so without having to become an enchanted monk or a incense burning yoga lover. Not that there is anything wrong with that if that's what you like, but if not, don't worry.

The Law of Attraction is a lot more practical than many so called gurus or practitioners really think it is. You see, people like Napoleon Hill were not out lighting incense or practicing the latest Swami techniques. And yet he was not only a proponent of the law of attraction, he used it himself to build up a writing career and a pretty sizable amount of wealth for himself. And he used it to give back to others.

Hey, you don't have to let things just happen to you. You can learn how to consciously create these things that you want and these situations that would benefit you and your family. All you have to do is to learn the most efficient and practical way.

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