Dreams Come True Series I: Passion Ignites Your Higher Purpose

"If our lives are dedicated, for instance, to enhancing the welfare of everyone we contact, our lives never lose meaning. If the purpose of life, on the other hand, is financial success, what happens after it's been attained?" David Hawkins, Ph.D.

Perhaps it is time to re-connect to your heartfelt goals. Taking time each week to reflect and to open up to your dreams can generate amazing changes, opportunities, and blessings for you and for others.

Can you define what your highest purpose is at this time? Is it to be an artist? Perhaps you enjoy working with a team inventing new products? Maybe you are an expert at guiding others to increase their happiness or success? Is it being a motivating and uplifting manager? You may enjoy helping clients to overcome challenges in business. Many find their highest purpose in raising a family and sharing their love and values with their children. Still others find their calling is to perform charitable activities to help those less fortunate.

As your ideas take shape, know that at its core, your highest purpose is spiritual and loving in tone and is always beneficial to all involved.

When you add desire, you fuel the thoughts, actions and creativity that you need to realize your endeavors. If you are not passionate about what you are presently doing, or if you are in transition, seeking a higher salary, or want to be an entrepreneur, the exercises in this section are especially for you. If you already love your career, use the following exercises to focus on a special dream that holds deep meaning and inspiration for you.

First examine and write down your answers to the following questions. This will guide you in formulating your unique path.

1. Do you have a vision for a personal dream that excites you?
2. How would you specifically like to contribute your unique talents to the world around you?
3. Do you prefer working alone, with a partner, or with a team?
4. What activities do you LOVE doing? (career, travel, artistic, etc.)
5. What talents do you already have, that seem natural and easy for you? These might be gifts that others recognize, but that you take for granted.
6. What elements would help you create a sense of balance in your work, personal life, and leisure activities?
7. How do you imagine your environment and surroundings as you create joy in work related activities?
8. Would you do some traveling with your inspirational career?
9. What personal traits do you have to assist you on your path? (well-organized, nurturing, natural leader, understanding, uplifting, pragmatic etc.)

Now, sit back and close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax. Don’t try to project anything. Let yourself go and see what feelings or images come in related to inspiring and joyful activities that can be related to your special career.
Even if a seemingly crazy idea pops up, write it down on paper, and don’t dismiss it. Do this for one week and notice if there is a pattern.

Also notice what other thoughts, people or situations occur during this time that may be related to your dream-purpose.

Shelly, a client, listed planning and coordinating trips, travel, working with people, bicycling and hiking, leading and organizing, and enjoying good food. After reviewing her list, Shelly discovered that her real desire was to organize bicycling and hiking vacations all over the world. She developed a business plan. She then found the initial investment money to begin funding her company, and also hired her first three employees. She now owns a lucrative and exciting business!

Enjoy the process.  Know that your purpose may come like a thunderbolt to you, or it may take time to develop.  Either way, you have unique talents that will become clear if you take the inner steps to draw the answer to you.

Affirmation: I honor my dreams, and live with purpose.