Can Eating Certain Foods Prevent Cancer

Here are the top recommended anti-cancer foods:

Greens - Spinach, chard, collard, turnip and a whole family of green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants that protect your body's cell structure from damage caused by 'free radical' cells that can cause cellular mutation and lead to cancer. One study gave spinach the top ranking of vegetables for its ability to protect against cancer. Try and eat spinach or any one from the family of green, leafy vegetables daily. They are very versatile. Hate cooked spinach? Kale and chard to bitter? Try adding just a few leaves to a salad, sauté lightly with olive oil and garlic, add to soups and really is easy to get a healthy helping without being "Popeye"

Garlic - Garlic is full of a compound called allicin. Chopping, slicing or dicing a fresh clove of garlic causes this compound to undergo an amazing chemical change. All of these chemicals function as antioxidants that prevent many types of cell mutations that can be the beginning of a cancerous cell. Study continues but points to evidence that in addition to cancer, garlic can aid in the prevention of cancers of the prostate, kidneys, ovaries, larynx, esophagus, prostate and colon. The best way to consume garlic, especially if you not a big fan of the strong flavor is to slowly bake or roast with it. Cooking appears to increase its potency and effect and long cooking reduces the strong flavor into a sweet, smoky flavor. There really is no set amount to consume...just eat as much as you can daily. And if the flavor is just not something you can learn to like, there are a number of pure garlic supplements that will allow you to consume garlic without feeling 'vampire-proof'.

Tomatoes - Tomatoes have one to the powerful antioxidants found to date called lycopene. Lycopene has shown a remarkable ability to fight disease. Lycopene is best absorbed by the body when accompanied by fats and is more available from cooked tomato products such as ketchup, pasta sauce, tomato soup, etc. This could be one of the reason that the Mediterranean Diets is one of the healthiest diets today. If you are not a fan of tomatoes or tomato products, you can get lycopene supplements that are now appearing at most drug stores and health food stores.

Cold Water Fish - Salmon, sardines and trout are rich in omega-3 fats. These fats have been found to have important anti-inflammatory benefits. Try and eat cold water fish at least twice a week. Wild caught fish appear to have more of the beneficial levels of omega-3 fats than their farm-raised alternatives. Not a fan of fish? Krill oil or omega-3 fatty acid supplements can provide you're the protection you need.

Broccoli - Sometimes called nature's miracle cure, broccoli could be the top of the healthy food list. Brocolli contains a substance called Sulforaphane and this increases the body's liver enzymes that helps remove dangerous toxins from the body. Eat a half cup of broccoli daily. Raw is best as cooking does remove some of the beneficial nutrients. Quick cooking methods are a great compromise - par boil for 2 minutes, immediately strain and place in a ice-water bath to stop cooking. Then drain thoroughly and sauté with garlic, olive oil and red pepper flakes for a delicious and nutritious side for fish, chicken or sprinkle with a little parmesan, serve over slice tomatoes for a meal in itself.