Affirmations for healing and health - Guide and Tips

Affirmations for healing Guide and tips

Are you tired of trying endless sorts of pills, diets, herbs meant to heal your body?
Do you find yourself wishing to feel like a child again limber and healthy? Or maybe you are tackling some sort of big health challenge.

Whatever the reason may be, affirmations are a great tool to kick starts the healing process.

Medicine today has come to understand the big connection between the mind and body. The way you feel affects the way your body functions, A Negative state of being can put allot of strain on the body resulting in a low immune system and weak body. Training your mind with
Positive affirmations for healing can make a very big difference in the speed and quality of any healing process.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations for healing or any other purpose are positive sentences written with the intent to be imprinted into the subconscious mind.
Kind of like subliminal messages only in this case you are well aware of what is inserted. You step by step train your mind to be focused on healing and being balanced, instead of the negative thoughts you have towards your personal health.

The subconscious mind is like a big hard drive. It is the program behind our habits of behavior. For example if you learn to play a musical instrument, and practice daily
, through the repetition you insert a blueprint of neural connections that the subconscious mind starts building habits around. That is why sooner or later you are able to play without thinking too much about what you are actually doing technically.

Affirmations for healing work pretty much the same. You repeat a process daily which helps you turn positive thoughts of health into your habit. Once it turns into a habitual state of mind, health becomes natural.

It is very important to understand that a healthy state of mind will equal a healthy body. Instead of thinking about your illness all day long you will start finding proof of you well being.

There have been thousands of amazing recorded cases, of diseases vanishing within three month entirely from the body of people who practiced affirmations for healing.

Most people fail to understand how affirmations for health work and from that ignorant point of view, observe it as wishful thinking. But it could not be farther from the truth.
Affirmations for healing done correctly, are a scientific method of neural reconditioning.

In my experience most people fail using this wonderful tool ,because they just don't use it correctly. Taking some pre-written affirmations healing list and reading it once in a while, doesn't do the trick.
It takes faith and practice and You have to go through some stages before and while using them.

The affirmation healing process:

Understand what you are aiming for:

To get where you going, you have to know where you are going. Entering your car and just driving, won't get you anywhere. You enter the vehicle and think about where you'd like to go, then start moving towards that direction. The same goes with positive thinking techniques.

Start a list by writing where you are right now. It can be something like "I feel sick and tired all the time" . Then, take that sentence and think about what you do want. For example: "I want to feel energized and healthy" . after you wrote the positive opposite, Cross the negative one.

Make a long list of subjects that bother you and what you understand you want.That is the first step for creating relevant affirmations for health

Creating affirmations for healing:

After you've finished writing take 3 areas you would like start working on And rephrase them to present moment.

The subconscious mind doesn't differ between past, present or future. Everything is in the now for it.

It's like the saying "tomorrow never comes". If you use something written in future tense, it will probably stay in the future.

So let's take our previous sentence, "I want to feel energized and healthy", changing it to present tense will look like this: "I am energized and healthy", Now that's a positive affirmation

How to practice:

There are hundreds of methods  for using affirmations. The most important step is repetition and emotional connection


Going back to the musical instrument example, Have you ever met anyone that leaned to play the guitar professionally by sitting for an hour twice a week?
The answer is probably no.

To get consistent results, you must practice daily, preferably at the same hour. Like I said; this is the habit creating business.

Emotional connection:

Emotions play a big role in any method of personal development. If your sickness wasn't making you feel bad, then there wouldn't be a problem. So, it's only logical that your affirmations for healing will feel good to you.

If you chose a sentence that makes you feel worst, it is counterproductive at best. It's not that you don't want what's written, it's that it might be too big a jump to take, from where you are.

It's like playing Mozart on your first encounter with a guitar, you're not ready and any attempt will be pretty frustrating.
So pick affirmations you can connect to emotionally and use them, once you gain confidence choose more challenging grounds.

3 step plan for using affirmations for healing and any other area:

1. Find a private place to sit and quite your mind with meditation, or any relaxing activity you know. Getting into a relaxed state of mind enhances the process exponentially

2. Take one affirmation and read it to yourself. Try to imagine how it feels to be healthy, or remember a time you felt that way.

If you lose it, just relax and find it again.

Repeat the process for about 10 minutes for every one of the 3 sentences.

3. Once you've finished, let it go in your mind and come back to it the next day.

Do this for 30 days, and you'll be amazed at how much has changed.

Repeating affirmations for healing for a period longer than 30 days, will turn them into a habit. once you've got what you wanted. Cross the affirmation and move to the next one.
Think about how many subjects you can turn around in one year.

For conclusion:

I would advise any one wishing to understand affirmations for healing more deeply, to read more on the subject before you start. There are many great professionals out there giving valubale information about great systems you can work with.

With a little bit of effort you can change your life in ways you can't imagine.