The Right Way to Take Action: Moving into the Fast Lane Towards Your Dreams

When Rhonda Byrne's phenomenon The Secret came out it definitely drew both fans and critics. Luckily more people saw it as the gold mine than it was rather than trying to make it into a hoax, but the critics seemed very often to attack one particular part of the secret. They would say "if you don't move off of your couch you'll never get a new car or meet the person of your dreams, so obviously the idea that your thoughts create your reality con't be true". The problem is that these people don't understand a key part of The Secret or self-improvement in general, that action comes naturally if your thoughts are in the right place.

In today's society we've been taught to start from our results and move backward from there. For example say you're doing bad in school (result), which in turn creates the thought that you're a bad student (your belief), creating the feeling of being inadequate which comes right back to causing the action you're taking which is getting you the bad grades in the first place. Obviously working from the outside in, from the results all the way back to action is the wrong way to do it. You have to first manifest the belief that you are a good student, feel good about it, then you'll naturally take the action you need to take to make that belief a reality.

This is the part where people usually roll their eyes and say that it's either too easy or that there's no difference at all. After all if you add a two, four and five it doesn't matter what order you add them in, you'll still get eleven. But achieving your dreams doesn't work like math. It’s more like a recipe, you can't just add all of the ingredients in whatever order, you have to do what Wallace Wattles said in The Science of Getting Rich, you have to do things "a certain way" to get the law of attraction to work for you. The cool thing about this is that it's not just something a few people are saying worked for them, there's science behind it.

It is widely accepted in the scientific community that 92-96% of all the action you take is controlled by your subconscious! This makes perfect sense if you think about it. Most of what you do during the day is habit. When you get up, what you eat in the morning, even when you go to the bathroom is usually so timed that someone else could set their watch by you. Of course you probably don't notice these things but if you think hard you'll see that it's true. Without you realizing it, your subconscious has you on a tight schedule.

I encourage you start taking the right kind of action starting now. As soon as you start taking action motivated by your thoughts and not your current results, action controlled by your subconscious mind, you'll see how easy it is and how fast you start moving towards your goals and dreams.

Finally since we are talking about action, some action points are probably appropriate. I want to make it clear that these points aren't in themselves the action you need to take. These are suggestions that, if you follow them, will get you to the point where you are taking action easily and naturally rather than forcing it.

Action Points:

-This goes without saying but WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS. If you haven't already done this do it right now before you continue. You can't take the right kind of action if you don't know what you're acting towards.

-Next make your way into the top 1% of high achievers by writing down a "to do" or "critical tasks" list for the next day the night before. This list should have an action point for each of your major goals you’re currently working on so that you take at least one step towards each one. Then, before you go to sleep, quickly visualize for a minute or two how the day would go if you got all those things done easily without rushing at all. This will embed the idea in your subconscious and your mind will spend all night programming a way to make that day happen.

-Affirmations are key when it comes to reprogramming your subconscious to be more action oriented. Remember that 92-96% of all the action you take is controlled by your subconscious so if you expect to consistently take action towards your goal, start by disciplining yourself and doing affirmations such as "I am so happy and grateful now that I have become a doer, effectively moving towards my goals each and every day with ease." If you repeat this every day your subconscious will begin to shift and you'll have no choice but to become what you're affirming!

-Last, but certainly not least, do every single task as best as you possibly can, devoting your full attention to it. You never know how that seemingly insignificant thing you're doing might play into your success so strive for excellence whether you're pealing an orange or training for an Olympic sport.