The Most Important Things You Should Know About Drinking Water Purification Systems

Just how important are drinking water purification systems? The short answer for that question would be – very important. Just think for a moment. The amount of contaminants present in water is mind boggling. According to recent reports, the contaminants found in water include heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides, and even prescription drugs. Now, can you think of drinking such water?

If you think you are safe because you use bottled water, then it is time for a reality check. Bottled water and water from private wells are only as bad or as good as tap water. The reason is very simple. The FDA has the same sets of rules and regulations for tap water and bottled water. As a result, even bottled water has some amount of contaminants that are commonly found in tap water. This pretty much leaves you with just one choice – drinking water purification systems.

Once you realize that drinking such contaminated water is bad for your health and it could lead to several waterborne diseases, the next step is to buy a good water purification unit. But here comes a problem. Water purification is big business today and there are plenty of drinking water purification systems available in the market today. How do you find out which one is the best? This is where you need to do your homework.

Before you buy a drinking water purification system, you need to understand one thing. A water purifier is only as good as the technology behind it. As of now, there are three popular water purification techniques that are widely used – reverse osmosis, point of use filtration, and active carbon chamber filtration. However, active carbon filtration is considered the best among these methods. Let me explain the reason.

While reverse osmosis and point of use distillation are good, they are just not good enough to be considered the best. There are two reasons for this. First, they are not effective in eliminating the contaminants present in water. RO doesn’t get rid of the herbicide traces present in water and distillation doesn’t get rid of the organic contaminants present in water. Second, they tend to destroy the essential minerals present in water. These essential minerals are very important for your health.

Active carbon filtration, on the other hand, is very effective in removing all sorts of contaminants present in water. Also, these filters usually have multiple carbon chambers and hence the water you get is absolutely pure. Most importantly, in this method, the essential minerals don’t get destroyed. As a result, the water is not only pure, but also healthy.

Now that you have all the details you want, it’s time to take action. If you don’t have a drinking water purification system, get one and if you’re using an ineffective one, get rid of it and get a good one. The choice has never been simpler, has it?